TCU Class of 2024 Discussion

I did not see this thread yet so I will start. When can we expect decision for early action? My son has SAT 1430, GPA 3.7 UW, good leadership. He applied early but the final counselor document posted on Nov 1. He has already received decisions from A&M and Baylor but is really interested in TCU

Yeah, same boat. My son has been accepted to A&M and awaiting TCU, UT & Rice.

Hi @poundman - last year for EA I received my decision on Dec 14, which this year should translate to about Dec 13. Sometimes EA applicants are deferred, but I believe you should also receive notice that you have been deferred for further review around the same time. I applied EA to all schools and received most of my decisions that same day, as well. The waiting is tough, but I busied myself with making sure to not let senioritis catch me!

Hi @SuperfrogFan -Thank you for all the information. Do you happen to know when decisions for ED will be posted to the students portal? I know last year was Friday Nov 30th, just curious about this years date.

@Graylo - I don’t know too much about ED, but I think there is a high likelihood that it is the comparable Friday, Nov 29th this year. I don’t anticipate many changes in admissions besides a lower acceptance rate.

My D really likes TCU and applied EA to Nursing. I’ve heard that is one of the more competitive majors since it’s Direct Admit and limited with the number of students accepted within the major. I am reminding her that the Admissions office told us that it is common for Nursing students to be deferred to RA so don’t be discouraged. Her stats are not overly competitive for TCU Nursing (3.93 UW and 29 ACT SS) but her ECs are good and preparation for Nursing is outstanding. We will see!

Am curious why you guys think TCU is more competitive for ED…would think its less competitive vs. RD or EA. Thanks

Yes, I agree. I noticed the same admit rate of ED vs RD/EA. I asked this question of admissions when we toured this summer. They didn’t really give me a straight answer. Looking back at some admission info a few years ago, TCU had a huge influx of applications after the football team had a great year and I believe that was also the year that they ended up accepting a higher % of students from out of state vs in state. So I know that they have tried to balance that % since that time to assure that they keep at least half or more of the students from TX. Don’t know if that is maybe driving some of that decision to accept less in ED or not (especially for OOS students).

I’ve also heard that Nursing is one of their highest applicant programs as well. They only have a certain number of spots for Direct Admit Nursing and I’ve heard they defer a lot (if not most) of their applicants to RA as they need to look at all the applicants together to decide who is most qualified for the limited spots. Admissions did say that it’s common to defer Nursing applicants in ED or EA when I asked the question (my DD is a nursing major).

Just a guess but hope this helps!

TCU nursing is definitely a tough applicant pool. Great program and school. When we toured in October we were told the acceptance rate is ~13%. Quite an accomplishment just to get accepted.

Anyone know the ED release date this year?

I have no idea, the suspense is killing me. TCU is (and always has been) my #1 school, just hoping for the best!

ED should be a bit easier than EA because you’re committing to enroll. The normal yield is less than 25% so they don’t have to guess who’s coming if they admit someone ED. TCU Nursing is particularly sought after because the whole program is on campus and isn’t split between campuses like at UT and Baylor.

ED is being released Dec 14. Final word. Came from TCU admissions

@tcu2024 Wow, that’s about two weeks later than usual, right? What about EA decisions?

I called AO two weeks ago and was told that EA will find out the week b/w Christmas & New Year’s. Seems strange, but that’s what the lady said.

Sounds like ED 12/1, EA 12/15


I would go with what the university says over a third-party site.

The release date got pushed back due to tornados in the dallas area. Students around there could not submit their applications until after Nov 1, so decisions are being pushed back accordingly. Not sure about EA

On my portal, EA says I’ll hear no later than January 1st.

Hey! I applied early decision to TCU. I heard that ED will hear back Dec. 13 this year!