So I’ve dreamed of going to TCU for a couple of years now and absolutely love the school. I’m from out of state but doesn’t matter much seeing as it’s private. I’ve got around a 3.87 with 7 AP courses all with passing exam grades, as well as a 32 on the act. My primary questions are, am I likely to get into the school? But more importantly should I get into the school what’s the best route for scholarships? My family doesn’t make nearly enough money to pay and I really don’t wanna take out student loans. I can afford around 12k a year (tops but would prefer lower as in state schools will be far cheaper) total though the fafsa doesn’t help out as much as it should. I did the net price calculator which came out to around 19k yearly but my question was does that include the TCU/Dean etc. scholarships posted on their website (also if anyone has experience in applying to those would love to know more about how it worked). And regardless what is the best way to pursue other scholarships both offered via TCU and outside scholarships. Also how involved is the TCU admissions office, and would it be worth sending counter offers to similar schools in state that would be cheaper (but I’d far rather not go). Any advice is helpful, i would love to be a horned frog but am worried finically.