TCU Chancellor's Scholarship

<p>Has anyone received a Chancellor's Scholarship? What kind of stats does it take to get one?</p>

<p>My daughter received a letter 12/21 inviting her to apply for the Chancellor’s scholarship, so I don’t think it is awarded outright. There will be an Honors College weekend in February when she will undergo an interview to be considered for the scholarship. The interview is on her birthday, so fingers crossed for a positive outcome.</p>

<p>My daughter received a letter to attend the Honors Scholars weekend also. Did your letter specfically address the Chancellor’s Scholarship, or did it state that “you have been selected as a finalist for one of our more prestigious and valuable scholarships.”</p>

<p>Julie, I don’t have the letter in front of me, but the quote sounds familiar. I don’t think the letter specifically referred to the Chancellor’s Scholarship, but since my daughter had previously been told she was awarded the Dean’s Scholarship, I assumed the “more prestigious and valuable scholarship” she would be interviewing for would be the Chancellor’s. Perhaps I shouldn’t assume!</p>

<p>Can either of you tell me the dates in February for the Honors Scholars Weekend?</p>

<p>Second weekend in February.</p>

<p>Thank you:)</p>

<p>Good luck to all interviewers. They are completely revamping the chancellor’s scholar process this year. I’m a freshman with a chancellor’s scholarship and I know they’re going to have a mix of interviewers ranging from admissions counselors to current chancellor scholars. It’s based on more than grades, your personality really has to pop, make them want you, Honestly it sounds cheesy but look up our mission statement and figure out some way you can show you embody it. THey want well rounded students that will be leaders on campus, and successful in the world. Again, good luck</p>