TCU Acceptance?

<p>I'm a junior in high school who's going to apply this summer to TCU as a music education major. What do you all think of my chance for acceptance to TCU and the Honor's College? What about scholarships, especially the Chancellor's Scholarship? (I'm home schooled, so some of my stats are missing.)
Home state: Texas
GPA: 4.0
Dual credit college GPA: 4.0 (will finish a year of credit before graduation)
Rank: no rank, obviously, top of the class in my college courses
SAT: 2180 composite (800 Writing, 730 Reading, 650 math, blahhhh.) Taking it for the third time in May, will probably score 2300.
No APs (homeschooled)
-piano student that practices 2+ hrs. a day
- student under local piano chapter RMTA, test for theory, history, competitions, finalist and outstanding record, possible scholarships
-intensive involvement in music ministry in prior church for 2 yrs. (handbells, choir, vocal ensembles, accompanist, soloist, praise team member, etc.)
- director of music for new church (5+ hrs. a week, planning, rehearsing, etc.)
- coach a selective Men's Ensemble
- accompany (volunteer) for local elementary school
- shadow once a week under music education teacher in classroom
- provide entertainment at nursing home every month, 2 yrs.
- teach piano off and on, perform for local benefits occasionally
- will hopefully be member of the DSO student council, advertising the orchestra to teens in Dallas
- church youth group... too much to talk about, heavily involved in service projects, church leadership, etc. </p>

<p>Any guesses for my chance of admittance to TCU?
Thank you!</p>

<p>You should definitely get in! You also have a great chance for honors college. Just be sure to apply early.</p>