Tcu bfa mt!


Just figured I’d make this in a separate thread so it can be found easily. I called TCU’s Theatre Dept. asking about something else to do with my academic admission, and the lady on the phone volunteered that artistic decisions go out at the end of this week. I asked by what method, and she said, “You’ll know by the end of this week.” I’m guessing a call or e-mail, probably e-mail. Hope this helps!

Thanks!! Has anyone not yet received their academic acceptance? We were supposed to hear by today on academic only but haven’t seen a thing

@mtmamma2020 I literally got mine last week. Applied common app in mid november. They’re super slow, and in my audition they weren’t surprised I hadn’t heard. If your kid has good academics, don’t worry.

I didn’t think it would be an issue - she has good academics. But thought it was odd.

Ps @ABMT16 THANks!!!

People from NYC Unifieds received emails tonight it seems. Chicago is probably tomorrow!

what does TCU stand for? I keep seeing this all over MT threads and I have no clue what people are referring to… haha! Thanks.

Texas Christian University!

does anyone know how many people TCU auditioned this year?

Has anyone heard from TCU yet this year? When do artistic decisions go out?

We have not heard anything yet.My D auditioned at the Chicago Unifieds. :slight_smile:

Anyone hear anything yet? My d also auditioned at Chicago Unifieds.

I think they are supposed to notify sometime in the beginning of March.

So academic and artistic acceptance are separate emails (?)

My D was notified of academic acceptance back in early December. Also auditioned at Chicago Unifieds.

Is TCU still auditioning? Has anyone heard anything?