With admissions season upon us, I’d like to hear some thoughts on comparing these two schools.
Thanks in advance!

Both have pros and cons. Depends on your major. People who visit usually have a strong preference for one or the other, and it isn’t necessarily the one they thought they would like before they went.

I have found the same thing. Many similarities but different feels.

Can someone expand on this at all?

Just a little context to explain my perspective- I live in the DFW metroplex closer to Fort Worth, but in recent years have spent more time in Dallas. I also know grads of both schools, but more from TCU. I work near SMU. My S18 and I have taken the official tour at both schools- SMU last summer and TCU this August. He and I liked both schools, but he is choosing to apply to TCU. As of right now, it is his only in state application.

Both schools are in the nicest parts of their respective cities, and they are reflective of the personality of those cities. (Dallas is more cosmopolitan and Fort Worth is proud of its cowboy heritage) They are both very nice campuses, but SMU is physically larger and a bit showier and prettier. There is money and privilege at both schools, but SMU seems to carry more of that reputation. There are also plenty of hard working serious students at both schools.

As far as academics, SMU seems to be best known for their art and music programs, business, and government. While TCU is known for communications and nursing, and their art is pretty decent too. (This is based totally on personal awareness of what is happening in the community and how the schools seem to be mentioned. I’ve only actually compared art/graphic design because that is where my S’s interests were for the longest time)

TCU seems to also have a better game day experience if that interests your student.

Hope this is somewhat helpful.

@OriginalSmother That is very helpful, thanks. My D is interested in communications or advertising or PR of some sort, and and I see a cross-over at both schools, but it’s so hard for us to compare the programs. I will delve into TCU more, as I primarily focused on SMU at the moment. I think game day will definitely interest my D, but she is really more focused on school spirit in general. Thank you.

The Bob Schieffer College of Communication at TCU is pretty hard to beat. Top-notch professors, internships and hands-on learning with truly state-of-the-art facilities. Unbeatable reputation nationwide.

@living61 Thank you! I have done quite a bit of research since this last post, and the program
seems pretty incredible. Are you in the program yourself? My D will be visiting next Feb or March and wants to sit in on a class. If you are in the program, are there any classes you specifically recommend to view?

My son visited 20 selective schools throughout the country. Our most impressive visits were to TCU and SMU. TCU really surprised us. If he had to choose with his heart, TCU might be his top choice, however his major has changed and TCU does not offer his major of choice. He has been accepted at SMU and it remains high on his list.We were truly impressed by both schools.

Father of a TCU senior here (who is due to graduate in May).

I will tell you that TCU does everything right. I have 3 in college, and we visited many colleges across the country. TCU is as impressive as any school out there. Administratively, it runs extraordinarily smoothly (not a reason to pick a school, but when you need it, it is nice to have). Our son has had a great 4 years. Fort Worth is a great college town. School spirit is off the charts. Academically it is strong, and he has only had a couple of adjuncts - otherwise, all tenure track professors - that’s nice to have these days.

SMU is clearly a great school. The 2 schools have different vibes, however. Can’t go wrong either way.

@OriginalSmother What does he want to major in?

@asalad At TCU, he is looking at their BA in Design because there is a lot more flexibility for him to incorporate his other interests in that degree plan compared to the BFA. I’m beginning to feel like his college choice may come down to which program he likes the best as each school offers different options for him. It’s not like comparing Gala apples at one grocery store over the other, but rather how many kind of apples the store offers and whether it’s allowed to occasionally throw an orange into your cart.

I agree with @Themclos - TCU really does everything right. They do a good job with marketing but they don’t invest the same amount of money as SMU does, and I think that plays a factor in students’ deciding SMU or TCU. I keep meaning to gather all of my SMU marketing materials and mail them to TCU they can see the crazy amount of gorgeous marketing materials. BUT… that’s all it is. Marketing. Try not to let that sway your decision between the two schools.

I just thought of another difference between the two schools in respect to their locations- Fort Worth is immensely easier to navigate than Dallas- particularly for students who don’t know the cities or are not accustomed to big city driving. Although there is always construction somewhere in the Metroplex.

I was impressed with the marketing materials for the Honors College- a full packet of all the different benefits. Another school simply sent my son a letter of congratulations that briefly outlined the benefits.

S was accepted at both schools. Some observations:

  1. Merit package similar at both schools when weighed w/tuition difference. Net cost will be the same. Funny how that works out.

  2. Dallas is not that hard to navigate once you learn the area around SMU. Ft. Worth has Sundance Square, Stockyards and Cultural District. Dallas has Uptown, Lower Greenville, Deep Ellum. Both really great cities for college, but SMU has a tiny bit more of a city feel.

  3. SMU does a great job marketing and making you feel wanted.

  4. TCU wins for sports hands down.

Can’t really go wrong with either school. It is going to be a tough decision.

@MylesCK Thank you! We are going to see both schools next weekend, and will hit those areas you mention to get a feel for both cities.

Hi there! I just saw this. We looked at both schools, and it really came down to numbers. Most of these rankings look at the academic reputations by other institutions. SMU total student population is almost 50% graduate education, which means they are doing research and trying to solve the world’s problems. TCU has 10-15% graduate work, which means it does very little research. You might be asking why does this matter, my son/daughter is just getting their undergrad degree?

It does! Graduate work attracts top professors, which attracts top researchers, which improves the school’s rankings. SMU has been making huge strides in this area, and their new Provost hails from my alma mater, Stanford. I believe SMU is ranked top 50/60 and TCU is ranked top 70/80. SMU has higher average ACT and SAT’s, but both have similar endowments. If you want to attend a school with big time football, TCU is a great option. If you want big time academics, SMU is your choice.

To be honest I was quite shocked at TCU, they had a good fund raising campaign and they spent over half of it on their new football stadium. TCU need to get it’s priorities right, and start focusing on research - not football. But, If that is your thing - Go Frogs!

My son has not finalized his decision, but TCU is not on the short list. Both are fine schools! Good luck everyone!

@PaloAltoDad, I don’t know what rankings you’re referring to. SMU fell 5 spots this year in the US News rankings (to 61) and TCU moved up 4 spots (to 78) — so if SMU is “making great strides” it is not reflected in their ranking.

The idea that SMU is the “academic” choice and TCU is only focused on football is just ridiculous. Yes, the stadium was upgraded when TCU joined the Big 12, but over the last decade, TCU has either upgraded or newly constructed almost every building on campus, including wonderful academic buildings and an amazing expansion/renovation of the library. They are in the process of building a new business school building and a new performing arts facility.

The truth is that both are very good schools, with a lot of similarities, and some differences. Each has a different feel, in the same way that Dallas and Ft. Worth have very different vibes. To each his own on that — the Important thing is what is the right fit for each student. But to boil it down to TCU=football and SMU=academics is inaccurate and misleading (and also just a bit ironic, given SMU’s history).


Nice post @bookworm68. My daughter applied and was accepted to both schools. Received more merit scholarships from SMU. I find your post to be very accurate. My daughter ultimately chose TCU, because of “fit” and after talking to family friends / alumni of both schools. My daughter doesn’t give a flip about football. I know that had zero impact. That previous post sounded like it was written by someone on SMUs admission staff.

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Please look at the facts! Graduate enrollment at SMU vs Graduate enrollment at TCU. Look at amount of research dollars! This isn’t opinion, but published facts from the TCU and SMU websites. I know there seems to be a war in middle America on facts. Go do your own research! @bookworm68 @KWimbs .