TCU vs. TSU?

<p>Well, we’re getting down to the nitty-gritty here, trying to make a decision. S has been accepted at both schools. Besides the obvious differences in terms of size and cost, how do the two theatre departments and schools compare? We would be interested in your opinions about advantages/disadvantages of both. S loves the “college atmosphere” at TCU, but in terms of theatrical training, is there any advantage at TCU that would justify paying the extra cost (about $6-7K/yr for us - S recieved good financial aid from TCU)? Thanks for your input.</p>

<p>It is such a personal decision. I assume that he was accepted into Musical Theatre in both spots. They are both excellent programs. I think one big distinction is the size of the programs and how much personal attention your son will receive. The higher selectivity and fewer students selected at Texas State will certainly give your son a better chance of performing in more productions and potentially having larger roles in them. Kaitlin Hopkins is amazing and a force to be reckoned with in the MT program community. She has created intense “buzz” among her peers and is putting together a program that is already highly esteemed and will be be top-tier in no time. The exposure to Broadway professionals she affords her students and her knowledge of the theatre world are hard to beat. TSU is definitely a bargain compared to TCU, although there is no denying that TCU is the more prestigious University on the whole. Both campuses have a good (though different) collegiate feel. If I were giving advice, I would focus on the relationship your son feels he would have with the faculty in each program and how much he would be able to grow because of it. If it is important to him to perform a lot, Texas State may be the way to go.</p>

<p>We have not visited either campus - but Texas State University has a “fierce” (quoting my daughter’s friend) program. My daughter made it down close to the wire but was not selected - she would have gone in a heartbeat. The audition experience and faculty were amazing. The price is right too!! Unfortunately I have no wisdom regarding TCU - my daughter did not choose to audition there.</p>

<p>Thank you, I appreciate your thoughts on the matter!</p>