TCU vs. Univ of Denver for Business?

Does anyone have any opinions here? Trying to help a friend decide. Likes the spirit of TCU but isn’t sure he’d fit in in Texas. Pro’s and cons? Thank you.

What are his concerns? That would help people respond.

TCU - he’s not sure he wants to be in a fraternity, and has the impression the social life is very Greek driven.
The topography of Texas - he’s used to living by the oceans and mountains, and Ft Worth seems very different. If he wanted to snow ski or go to the beach, what are the “outdoorsy” options?

Denver - not as much school spirit, no football, but maybe hockey would be fun. The business school doesn’t seem as well regarded or as connected to a thriving job market. Great outdoors scene. Less Greek life focus.

It seems he is more comfortable at Denver and would probably pick it, but his parents think TCU would be better because of the B school rep and jobs, so the dialog is continuing.

Can parents be convinced that Denver is vibrant enough and b school good enough? Or can student be convinced that Texas is nice and non Greeks can have a life?

Thank you.

My kids are from CA. S graduated from TCU last year with a degree in Biology and is in medical school in TX now. D is a freshman and a pre-business major.
If we were just talking school, curriculum, program, etc., TCU and Neeley are great. Neeley is well regarded and rising in terms of national visibility. It’s a solid business school option. Plus they have accelerated Masters programs if an undergrad staying for masters.
For both genders Greek is a big deal at TCU. It’s quite a bit of the social life especially the first two years and after that, the activities take on less significance. Since at that point your fiends are fraternity brothers, you just do other non-Greek things.
Outdoor activities are not of the CA or CO type. Golf is popular. Biking is popular. Lots of kids run. Obviously, there isn’t a beach to hang on or mountains to climb or snow board. It’s not there. Not accessible. Period. Weather is pretty wild – hot and humid, cold and icy and big storms! Funny but my D is missing the CA outdoor life more than my S did because he took up golf and went to the mountains during winter break and had to study a lot in prep for med school. There’s someothing to be said for not having a lot of distractions outside of school. Of the kids we know that went to school in CO a far number didn’t make it past freshman year because of too many distractions.
It’s defitnly diferent.
TCU’s location benefit is Fort Worth, which is a great city…smaller but big enough to be thriving and fun. TCU is a traditional college experience with BIG SPORTS and big rivilries and that’s a lot of the social involvement.
My S never even thought about a fraternity until he showed up the fist week and loves his fraternity brothers to this day. And, it isn’t for everyone.
If he’s set against Greek and is an outdoor guy, TCU and that part of TX (I would suggest) are not for him.
I know this is easy for me to say at this point as both kids are settled in school(s)…TCU better be his choice because if it doesn’t work out and it was their choice, it will turn into THEIR fault. Just saying…

LOL. You are so right about whose decision it should be in the end. That’s kind of what I’ve been suggesting. Both are the same price, so he should pick, knowing all the pro’s and con’s. Sometimes it’s just a feeling, that nobody else can argue with.

I just finished the process with my son, he chose SMU, my oldest just graduated from there too. I never thought he’d end up in Texas, he had lots of other cool colleges/cities to pick from, but, the business school bowled him over. We too live in So Cal, so he’s always on the water and loves the Sierra. Certainly there are lakes in Texas. I’m thinking the Rockies for spring break? But, I’m so happy with my daughter’s choice. She got a job easily in Dallas and has a great apartment for half the price of LA. She also has many friends at TCU.

Congrats on getting your kids settled and on med school. And thank you for the reply, it was very insightful.

I’m currently in the process of transferring from DU to TCU. Both my brothers went to DU as well and loved it, but were in a fraternity. DU’s business school is great though! nice and helpful professors and small classes. TCU does the same thing. The only difference is the outdoor life. if ur friend doesn’t ski, hike, etc… they will feel left left during winter quarter. DU greek life is pretty big on campus for guys if he wants to go to parties he will have issues going to parties without being involved in a fraternity. I had guy friends who didn’t rush and had very little social life because of it they felt left out of parties and other events. Also DU is a huge bar school at midnight the parties end and everyone goes to the bars around campus. Your friend needs a fake ID to feel involved in everything. TCU i love because the campus is very similar to DU in the fact that its outside of a city and not in the middle of no where like many schools. i am involved in greek life so i could be biased but DU has a small campus feel and i knew many people so i feel i can give a good idea of what its like.

Thanks Cola! He picked DU and is pretty happy with the decision. It was a close one, but he preferred Denver over Ft Worth just a bit, and decided that he ranked skiing over a football team.
Good advice on rushing too, thanks.