TCU Or Baylor for Business?

<p>Hi all,
I know this is the TCU forum, but I was just wondering whether Baylor or TCU was a better choice for someone intending to major in International business or entrepreneurship. Which school would offer better internships opportunities and which school is more respected in those fields?</p>

<p>Also, which one is a better school overall?
How's the student life at TCU? Does the social life really revolve around the greek system? </p>

<p>Any input will be greatly appreciated!!</p>

<p>I’m a current business student at TCU, and I would recommend TCU for business over Baylor. Our business school is ranked #28 in the nation by Businessweek, and TCU is most certainly a “business school.” It is one of the most popular majors here! </p>

<p>Many business students discover the vast internships opportunities here in the DFW metroplex! I don’t think I can say the same about Waco! As a student here, you can take advantage of Frogjobs which is a database that has many job and internship postings and is constantly updated. The career center in Neeley can look over your resume for you and help prepare you for your internships. </p>

<p>Approximately 40-45% of TCU students are involved in Greek life. While this may seem like a substantial amount, it also means that around 60% of students aren’t in sororities or fraternities. There are many friendly students here, and I’m sure you’ll find your niche!</p>