Teach For America - 2019 Corps

@HopingforTFA2019 Wait, did you do the lesson in Italian mostly? I want to do my lesson mostly in French if I get the interview, probably covering a French grammar or phrase lesson (I actually am a French TA in a local middle school and so I’d probably adapt something I’ve already planned and done with them). However, I like to teach in the TL.

@QueerUniDeer what I did was first introduce the concept of cognates and went over what they were, gave a couple examples. Then I did an interactive portion where I posed a word in Italian and had them figure out the English translation. It was a big hit! I wanted to do something different (almost everyone else did math or English) and I wanted to hit the “I do, you do, we do” as much as possible. So, I didn’t conduct it in Italian, but I spoke to them in Italian a little with little positive phrases when they got the answers right. Does that help?

@HopingForTFA2019 Alright, yeah I was thinking of introducing myself to them as I would and have things written out. Was planning to do something very basic/simple. I would treat it like French I. I’ll talk to my recruiter also to see how much would be too much as I can conduct an entire lesson in French (what I already do and prefer to do in FL classrooms)

@QueerUniDeer Definitely talk to your recruiter, but I don’t think it would be wise to conduct the majority in French. If the other applicants don’t understand you, then you have no way to demonstrate your objective has been met. It’s more important that the “students” fully understand the topic and you can prove they understand.
But, you will receive a TON of information on the lesson plan when they extend an interview offer. I had created my lesson plan before my interview notification and ended up changing almost the entire thing after reading everything they sent out.
Don’t stress it, you’re going to do great!

@HopingForTFA2019 alright, thanks! hopefully I get to interview and things go over well (funnily enough, my school has a lot of TFA corps members this year who are going into foreign language teaching, all in Spanish though)

Ahh! Tomorrow is when we find out and I am so nervous!! Also coincidentally have my second language pedagogy class tomorrow (actually got involved with being recruited for TFA because I volunteer as a French TA at a local middle school and am getting academic credit in a second language pedagogy course and hope to do training in the next year for ELL as I’m already being trained in teaching a language as a second language, which would include ELL or French for me)

Good luck to those of you receiving interview notifications today! I know mine came in rather early in the day, around 11 or so.

got an interview (offer)!

@QueerUniDeer Nice! Good luck to you!

I got an interview offer

@owlgirlphilly Did you get your region?

Hi did anyone from the 4/13/19 deadline have their interview yet? I just had mine today and I feel like it went well!

I have my interview tomorrow morning! My heart is racing!!

@cctfa321 Was it in person or virtually? I have mine tomorrow virtually

Mine was in person! Everyone I was interviewing was so nice, even the other interviewees! One thing they stress is that you’re not in competition with each other so just th to be the best you can be and make sure that your passion comes through!

I’m really hoping I get accepted. I know I’m orevious threads people said they were able to read the code on the website…has anyone for 2019 been able to do that?

Hiii @cctfa321!! I had my interview yesterday also! I’ve been totally stalking all of these forums and keep seeing stuff about code popping up. If you figure anything out about how to read the code, let me know!

Hey, all! I was accepted the last round of applicants. I can tell you with confidence that TFA has caught on to the code reading. People I spoke with who did not get in had the exact same code as I did the entire time. The timelines did appear to still be an indicator, but it’s not definite. But, the codes are not going to tell you anything but where they are in processing your application. I’m glad to hear how well the interviews went, and good luck!

What does the timeline indicate?

@cctfa321 Typically, the timeline going missing means you’re in. If the timeline doesn’t go away, those applicants have mostly been denied. I have seen a few whose timelines did not disappear who got in, but the majority of those who had a timeline were not accepted. Those whose timelines disappear but than reappear are also typically not accepted.