Teach For America - 2020 Corps

@TFA2020 awesome! thank you! I was a little worried about the final step N, but I guess that’s just part of the actual website build.

Tayhiro, mine also has both things. So hopefully that is a good sign for you too.

Good luck everyone!

Has anyone read anything about what time the decision usually gets posted? I know people say it usually shows up in your portal before the email. I’m ready for this waiting to be over! Sending good vibes to everyone.

Everything I heard says 5:00pm!

I thought it was around 3:00pm, but I guess we’ll find out haha! I forgot that today was decision day until I got an email from my recruiter. Good luck everyone!

Is anyone getting really nervous or distracted? I keep updating my portal because I found out about to interview through the portal being updated way before I got the email. Has anyone’s updated?

Same here @drehall - I was even up last night and couldn’t help myself from checking it at midnight, 1 am, and 2 am just in case.
I remember reading that the results are coming out after 5pm. I’m thinking maybe they want to update the portal after the TFA office closes so they don’t get inundated with phone calls. So we might have a long wait ahead - but I’ll still be compulsively checking all day, so you’re not alone!

@erlervyer I saw that a lot of the people from the 2019 corps were seeing updates in the portal like 2/3 hours before the 5pm email goes out. I read that people were saying that the hello message at the top of your portal screen changes to “Your Offer” when you get accepted. I’m so freaking nervous

I was totally expecting to be distracted at work all day today until around 3, which is decision time for MST except we got snow so I’m working from home and obsessively checking my email lmao

From the past posts, it seems that the decisions are posted between 12:30-1:30 Pacific Time. That makes sense, as that is 3:30-4:30 Eastern time.

Good luck everyone!

I swear they are trying to keep us in suspense lol. I have been refreshing like crazy! Hopefully everything goes up at 5.

Anyone check?! I’m afraid to!

Nothing yet for me :confused:

Haha, I agree.

I guess they aren’t posting the decisions by 5:00 p.m. eastern.

Three more hours to go I guess.

I wonder why they would send out an official email saying 5 pm EST then? Kinda disappointing.

I don’t think any of the past cycles from what I am reading had the decision past 5:00 p.m. eastern time. Maybe this cycle had a lot more applicants or something.

Good luck all!

I was accepted!! Decisions are posted everyone!!


Wow, I was rejected…even after that super promising email from my recruiter.
I am shocked, but glad I can explore other options.
Congratulations to everyone who was accepted! I hope you all have a great experience.

I hope everyone is getting good news!

I was accepted but not to the subject I was hoping for. I’m not sure if I will accept the position, since I was hoping to get a certification that would help me start my career in teaching high school.

I was accepted too and placed in Hawaii on Oahu. I am freaking out a little though, because we just found out the other day that my fiance wouldn’t be able to transfer there. I had Denver/CO Springs (where we live now) as my top choices, so I’m hoping my recruiter can pull some type of switch, or else I won’t be accepting :confused: