<p>According to my myMIT account, my second teacher evaluation was not processed yet. I know that they needed time to get everything up, but it's been over two weeks since EA apps were due, and I'm concerned that admissions might not have received it. Should I give them more time, or should I start calling/emailing admissions?</p>
<p>I am with you man… the only things processed for me (maybe it is cuz i am in canada) are application 1, 2, application fee, and interview… lol</p>
<p>Wait until they announce that they have COMPLETELY finished sorting through all the mail; I’m sure they’ll create a blog explaining when this may be. If your teacher evaluation still is not processed at that point, call them, have your teacher fax over an evaluation, and mail a hard copy as well. (I highly doubt anything was lost though…just hasn’t been processed yet. Hold tight.)</p>
<p>LOL… Mr.hall get on gmail</p>
<p>just wait. both my teachers sent their stuff the wednesday before the due date, but they only processed one of the recommendations a couple days ago. they’ll take a while.</p>
<p>^Yea, just give them time. At the doctor’s office that I volunteered at, I had to scan every single patient’s file (over 10,000) into the computer system; it took the entire summer…and then some.</p>
<p>Lots of questions asking the same thing this week…</p>
<p>Don’t worry, and there’s no need to contact MIT to find out where your stuff is. I talked to Matt on Tuesday night, and he said they have giant amounts of mail left to process. If your stuff is genuinely missing after Matt posts his “we’re done with the mail” blog entry, you can have your teacher fax the missing evaluation to MIT, no problem.</p>