teacher recs

<p>My d would like to get some teacher recs from professors at the school she attended last fall to use to apply to transfer in January. She isn't sure where she wants to apply but feels that she should get the recs while she is fresh in the professors minds. She no longer attends the school. The school she will attend in the meantime is large and she feels that the professors she will have this summer and fall will not know her as well.
Her plan is to have the professors provide about 5 sealed envelopes that she would hold on to till the fall. She is thinking that she would have them seal them and sign the flap. She has the teacher rec form from the common app. it has the year 2005-06 but I am thinking that doesn't really matter. She also has two teacher rec forms from schools that she knows she will apply that don't use the common app.
Has anyone had experience using recs that were dated at least 6 months prior to the actual application?
Any advice I can give her would be great.</p>

<p>The recs should be fine since the profs taught courses your D has by now completed. Some colleges require two hs teacher recs and consider college profs' recs to be supplementary; others accept college profs' recs to be acceptable replacement for one (but not all) hs teachers' recs. We asked the profs to send all their recs to my S's GC, to be sent together with the hs recs.</p>