<p>A classmate asked a legit question last week and my AP Eng teacher laughed in her face and started acting like a retard. I told her "that wasn't cool" and the girl behind me was all "Now Mrs. T, was that reeeeallly necessary?" I felt like crying and it wasn't even directed to me. Yay for outspoken students that stick up for each other, aren't afraid of authority figures, and call em out.</p>
<p>Our Chinese Teacher is absolutely adorable, but she loathes my friend Oliver--
she told us that we were going to take a quiz, and she never gives us pop quizzes, so we were confused. She reads the questions, and they were all basic phrases like, "I love you" and "My name is...".
We handed them in and she said, "Everyone 100, but Pei Li (Oliver) fail"</p>
<p>wow that's crazy. If any teacher said something like that at my school, they would b e fired so fast...</p>
<p>"you have five seconds to disintegrate"</p>
<p>Honors history teacher to a Indian student</p>
<p>"Varun you're a terrorist so you're opinion doesn't count."</p>
<p>When our english teacher burns us, she's dead serious. </p>
<p>Mostly it's about how our fathers are in jail and how after high school most of us will have our afterschool jobs becoming full time. It's funny when she says it, but also true and sad.</p>
<p>Jeez, that's a little *****y. Not even remotely playful.</p>
<p>Girl in class: ARGH! I'm so depressed...
Teacher: If I had to spend the day with you, I'd be depressed too.</p>
<p>This teacher is one of the nicest people I have ever met and she was completely joking but it was just so hilarious because no one expected her to say something like that.</p>
<p>We were talking about the percent of people who go to college from our school(very low %), we are a class of 25 in civics
Teacher: Does anyone know the percentage of kids who go to college from our school?
Student: 75%
Teacher: Let's just say you wont make it and about 20 others in here wont.</p>
<p>Why would I want to sue my teacher?? I asked for it lol.</p>
<p>Omfg are u guys serious? This is disgusting. Okay unless you guys like the insults, you should totally ask the Educational Committee or someone to review a teacher's behavior. How the **** can these teachers do this? It's terrible and sad, not to mention extremely unprofessional. No teacher at my school would ever insult another student, unless it was a sincere joke. Damn, I've never had a teacher like that in my life, except when I was in elementary school and a lot of the teachers were utter crap. Take it from me, if you feel really offended go get that teacher fired!</p>
<p>I don't think most teachers are trying to be mean. It's just their nature. They're just too bitter because they couldn't get a well paying job so they lash out at prospective doctors/lawyers who they feel utterly jealous of.</p>
<p>So a guy is doing prayer intentions and a friend of mine is like "i'd like to pray for mike's love life"
and the teacher was like "there are some things even God can't help"</p>
<p>oh and today was my friends birthday
Teacher: Jenny, how old are you?
Jenny: 17
Teacher: Hopefully maturity will come along with it...</p>
<p>That same teacher
Bobby: [talking about the senior trip to San Diego and what he wants to do there]
Teacher: You should be worrying about who you're going to room with; you have no friends</p>
<p>My french teacher told a kid she didn't like him as in " Jake, I just don't LIKE you"</p>
<p>Oh and my religion teacher flat out told all the 'brown' people that he is afraid of them on his trips to Japan</p>
<p>^the first two were somewhat funny. But the last 3 are far from it. I think that that's pushing it too far.</p>
<p>oh wait i remember one lol. My AP Psych teacher asked an asian girl if she liked orange chicken.</p>