TEAM Early Transfer Chances

I am currently a freshman TEAM student, and I applied for Fall 2015 transfer yesterday with hopes of majoring in electrical engineering.

I have a 3.79 GPA with all A’s and only one B.

I will have completed a total of 32 hours by the end of semester.

What are my chances?

Thank you!


Are you in EAB or just Blinn team?

Just TEAM, so I don’t have any ENGR classes.

I would say chances are slim unless you have completed all of you CBK classes. Sounds like you’re on a good track though!

For math and science, I have completed (or the Blinn equivalent) Math 151, Chem 107/117.

I’m currently in Physics 218 and Math 152.

My guess is they will want to see your math 152 and physics 208 grade before they make a decision. You might need to spend one more semester at blinn to finish up the 2nd physics and go ahead and take Calc 3.

Do you not have to complete the Blinn Team 2 year requirement? Just wondering.

@Cmsparent‌, No you do not have to complete the 2 years. You can apply for transfer after completing the requirements of your particular department/major. My daughter did just that; transferred into the College of Education after 2 semesters. My recommendation is to maintain frequent contact (both in person and email) with a department advisor at A&M.

You can earn early admission to TAMU if you apply as a normal transfer applicant. Otherwise you have to finish the 60 hours.

@ilovemath987 I emailed admissions to try and change my second choice major from Computer Engineering (EE Track) to Electronics Sytems Engineering Technology (ESET). From the looks of it, ESET is relatively easier to get into since they are looking to recruit and grow. I would be content if I was accepted to ESET since it is pretty similar to EE.

@Cmsparent‌ to add on to that, some majors like business do not want early transfers if you’re currently on Blinn TEAM. Mays wants students to finish the full two years, and they will guarantee admission into the business school. Best thing to do is to talk to advisors like others have said.

My advice to anyone doing Blinn TEAM is to keep in contact with the TAMU advisors in regards to scheduling and transfer information. Our experience was that the Blinn advisors were misinformed on many things. If/when you do apply for Transfer, the College of your major makes that decision, which is why it’s important to keep a dialogue with them.