<p>Name: Jessica
Location: ???
Fav School Subjects: History
Fav Color: Any color that looks good on me
Fav Dessert: Apple Pie
Fav Celebrity: Rachel Weisz (The Constant Gardener was so sad!) and Mr.Bean
Fav Author: At the moment, Sharon Shinn
Hobbies: Dancing, creative writing, reading, sleeping, eating, procrastinating
Quirks: It takes me an hour and a half to put my contacts in, and I can make a fool of myself on cue.</p>
<p>Name: Albert
Ethnicity: Asian-American
Location: CA-where happy cows come from
Fav School Subjects: APUSH, English, Finance
Fav Color: Red/Burgundy. It's so classy.
Fav Dessert: Coffee ice cream made by Starbucks
Fav Celebrity: Donald Trump? (YOU'RE FIRED!)
Fav Author: Joan K. Rowling
Fav Band: No clue
Hobbies: CC, Reading, Yahoo Finance
Other random facts:
I hope to break 2160 on the SAT in April.
I'm applying to Stern ED.
I'm currently a junior.
I love badgers (not really-just the video clip)-<a href="http://www.badgerbadgerbadger.com">http://www.badgerbadgerbadger.com</a>
I used to live in NYC metro area (Westchester)</p>
<p>Name: Janet
Ethnicity: Asian-American
Location: IL
Fav School Subjects: English, Government and European History
Fav Color: Green or Blue
Fav Dessert: Molten chocolate cake
Fav Celebrity: Angelina Jolie and Nicole Kidman
Fav Author: Oscar Wilde
Fav Band: Death Cab for Cutie or Stars
Hobbies: Reading, surfing the web, singing
Other random facts:
I managed to sprain my ankle by bending down and picking up a whiffle ball.
I have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter.
I love reading to the point that you will never find me without a book.
I met Peter Wentz from FOB and he hugged me!!!!!!! << Although this was before they got big, like two years ago...</p>
<p>....for all the Harry Potter lovers:</p>
<p>In your opinion, is the "Prince" good or bad?</p>
<p>Name: JackBauerPowerHour [--gotta love 24.]
Ethnicity: White
Location: CA [eh...]
Fav School Subjects: #1 is Philosophy [it compares to no other] - I like Economics/Social Sciences and English, too.
Fav Color: Blue... I'm so boring.
Fav Dessert: Uh... too many.
Fav Celebrity: Kiefer Sutherland, Hugh Laurie, William Petersen, Robert Downey Jr.
Fav Author: Friedrich Nietzsche. I enjoy his works far too much. [--although I usually hate to pinpoint one "favorite" anything, Nietzsche is by far my favorite philosopher, thinker, writer etc. at the moment.]
Fav Band: I don't know.
Hobbies: Reading, writing, conversing with intelligent people, watching TV, going to the movies, having fun with friends etc.
Other random facts: I have an absolutely shameful Math SAT score for an upper-class, white student. I think standardized tests should all burn and destroy. I am obsessed with philosophy. I think [perhaps even know?] that New York is a far better place than California.
Quirks: I tend to use brackets ([]) rather than parentheses [()]--</p>
<p>how can peopel not have a favorite band?
this disturbes me very much.</p>
<p>maybe it's not that they don't have a favorite, but that they have too many.</p>
<p>well, thats good point but im curious put something down........haha</p>
<p>to anyone who has natalie portman as their fav celeb:</p>
<p>have you seen her SNL digital video skit? If not, google it right now</p>
<p>ahahhaha oh my GOSH thats frickin hilarious!</p>
<p>Name: Natalie
Ethnicity: White
Location: Richmond, VA
Fav School Subjects: Theatre
Fav Color: Crimson
Fav Dessert: Milkshakes
Fav Celebrity: Jude Law... & Daniel V and Andrae from Project Runway!
Fav Author: James Joyce, David Sedaris
Fav Band: Death Cab for Cutie (I like mostly solo artists: Sufjan Stevens, Ryan Adams, Björk)
Hobbies: taking crazy escapades through Richmond city, going to art events, film/theatre stuff, writing, figure skating, sports, running, watching tv, going to the movies
Quirks: Um, when I get tired, my eyes start to blink at different times. I also write with my left hand during math class and sometimes during theatre.
Other random facts: My life = theatre. I really want to learn how to surf and snowboard. I want to travel the world. It would be really cool to be an astronaut.
AND I love quoting random things and then seeing how people react...</p>
<p>Name: Kate
Ethnicity: Irish
Location: Long Island, New York
Fav school subjects: English, Creative Writing
Best Color: Ive always been partial to yellow
Best Dessert: coldstone birthday cake remix
Best Celebrity: Bill Murray
Best Author: Too many! Hesse, Hemingway, Dostoevsky, Bukowski
Best bands: The Decemberists, Neutral Milk Hotel, Sufjan Stevens, Broken Social Scene, Iron and Wine, and The Cure
Hobbies: Books, writing, music, and some debauchery on occasion ;)
Other random facts: My graduation present from my grandparents in june is going to be skydiving. I have been waiting to do this for 4 years!
Quirks: I am a grammar freak. People who do not know the difference between your and youre make it on my hit list. I also break out in dance to country music when no one is around.</p>
<p>i totally agree with you on the your vs you're thing. and since i live in texas, and everyone really does say "y'all," people who spell it ya'll drive me insane too! (cmong people, it's a shortened version of "you all" is it that difficult to spell??)</p>
<p>oh boy. only one word comes to mind when i see the word "y'all": euthanasia.</p>
<p>hahhah yes its definitely something i am going to have to immediately kick out of my vocabulary the second i step into new york.</p>
<p>but im just thankful thats pretty much the only noticeable texas(or southern in general) stereotype that has infiltrated me! (which is almost strange, since ive lived here my whole life)</p>
<p>Name: Matt
Location: Staten Island, NYC (one of the few city boys!)
Ethnicity: White dude
Fav. Subjects: Journalism, creative writing, theatre, improv, and BIO lol
Fav. Color: Well now its Mayfair Violet (hehe.)
Fav. Food: Put hot sauce on it; I'll eat it
Fav. Actor: Matthew Broderick, maybe Topher Grace
Fav. Author: If i do them all, we'll be here all day--Kurt Vonngeut Jr.
Fav. Band: Beatles, anything classic
Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Acting, Lacrosse, work (golf caddie)
Quirk: I dunno they flare as time progresses...</p>
<p>dying2live129 if you wanna chat about NYU class of 2010</p>
<p>So... since matt1288 put his sn up here, I guess I'll post mine... If anyone wants to IM me, my screenname is "Bway Band Nerd". Yes, I am a nerd... :)</p>
<p>ah okay we're doing screennames now? alrighty!</p>
<p>i think all my friends are tired of listening to me rant about nyu =P</p>
<p>Name: Chris
Location: NJ
Ethnicity: Asian-American
Fav. Subjects: Math, physics, history
Fav. Color: Black
Fav. Food: Hibachi, steak, anything grilled
Fav. Actors: Christian Bale, Clive Owen, Chow Yun-Fat
Fav. Movies: Tarantino and Scorcese's movies, LA Confidential, Chinatown, Muhlholland Drive, Boondock Saints, old John Woo stuff, and anyting original
Fav. Author: Ray Bradbury
Fav. Bands: Zeppelin, Hendrix, Dylan, Doors, Marley, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Arcade Fire, BSS, Damien Rice, anything good
Hobbies: cars, poker, working out, goin to sporting events, doin anythin spontaneous that gets my mind off of the fact that I live in the worst place on Earth
Quirk: Not sure, some people say I'm a twinkie (yellow on the outside, white on inside)
School: Stern
SN: njchino371</p>
<p>Yo Kate, I'm goin skydiving too, in July, for my friend's birthday, good stuff, haha.</p>