Hey Brown Applicants: Let's Talk About YOU!

<p>Seeing all these last minute app threads, I figured we could use a tension reliever. Let’s get to know each other!</p>

<p>Name: Eric
Location: Bay Area, California
Fav School Subjects: Psychology, Biology Electives
Fav Color: Turquoise
Fav Dessert: Tiramisu!
Fav Celebrity: Hugh Jackman
Fav Author: Steinbeck, Dahl, Silverstein
Hobbies: Reading, Listening to Music, Watching Independent Films, Drawing, Biking, Weightlifting, Cooking, Surfing
I like to buy grocieries…a lot. 3 hrs hunting for the right items is normal for me.
I eat cereal dry and with a cup of crysanthemum tea.
I love animals and babies, especially animal babies
I collect DVDs that I never watch
I can’t enjoy a meal when pretty girls are around
For seven years I used hair conditioner only…I figured it was decently scented enough and could do the job of shampoo as well.
I never kill bugs I find indoors, except flies. Spiders I leave alone; the rest I guide to safety.</p>

<p>Here’s me - <a href=“http://img.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/albums/v614/CaliLove/BikingAtPark-1.jpg[/url]”>http://img.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/albums/v614/CaliLove/BikingAtPark-1.jpg</a></p>

<p>Feel free to use whatever format; I figured having a rubric would make things a little easier. Wishing you all a great new year, with plenty of college acceptances.</p>

<p>Name: Al (nickname)
Location: Minnesota
Fav School Subjects: History & Humanities
Fav Color: Green
Fav Dessert: Coldstone icecream
Fav Celebrity: ??
Fav Author: Jane Austen
Fav Movie: Mad Hot Ballroom
Hobbies: Water-skiing, downhill skiing, ice-blocking!, running, fashion
I EAT MY CEREAL DRY TOO... milk makes it soggy, gross!
I don't know what else... I probably have a lot of quirks, but I don't really notice until someone points it out</p>

<p>Me (on the left):
<a href="http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c190/allie_babwa06/kjhgjkg.jpg%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c190/allie_babwa06/kjhgjkg.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Name: Jasmine
Location: Virginia
Fav School Subjects: Science and Math
Fav Color: Navy blue and gray
Fav Dessert: Chocolate cake
Fav Celebrity: Chris Evans
Fav Author: Dan Brown
Fav Movie: Life is Beautiful
Hobbies: Photography, basketball, running, skiing
I sleep with tank tops, even in the winter!
I always have a bowl of cereal every night
My hands shake when I talk to my crush or look at his eyes
Although I'm okay when I present in front of class, my face turns red and my heart pounds really hard everytime a teacher asks me a question, even simple and easy ones</p>

<p>Sorry, no pictures.</p>

<p>Name: Neil
Location: San Jose, CA
Fav School Subjects: uhh... school sux...but I like bio/history
Fav Color: Purple and Gold (nobility babyyyy)
Fav Dessert: chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream
Fav Celebrity: Paris Hilton is hot
Fav Author: JRR Tolkien
Fav Movie: Lord of the Rings - all of them
Hobbies: Hockey, video games, hockey
I say "hecka" a lot.......i guess its a CA thing
I enjoyed taking practice SATs..... (the reading passages were interesting!)
I visit grocery stores just for the free samples
I'm scared to death of bugs... too scared to even kill them</p>

<p>oh... and I'm too incompetent/lazy to figure out how to post pictures online.</p>

<p>Name: Bob
Location: Long Island, NY
Fav School Subjects: Bio, Government, History
Fav Color: Yellow
Fav Dessert: anything with chocolate.
Fav Celebrity: dont follow celebrities
Fav Author: cant read.
Hobbies: music, tv, curing cancer, movies, video games, writing
waaaaaaaaaaaaay too many to mention</p>

<p>Name: Joy:)
Location: Southern California
Fav School Subjects: English Lit, Math, Orchestra, Bio
Fav Color: changes according to my mood. I'm into blue now..(probably cuz of the rain...lol)
Fav Dessert: vanilla ice cream, rice pudding!
Fav Celebrity: Kate Winslet.
Fav Author: I read everything(but not non-fiction)
Hobbies: definitely music(listen/play)! web design, draw, write, talk, go shopping, cook weird stuff and so much more.
I cannot eat cereal dry. I always need milk. I love milk.(haha)
I seriously CANNOT each chocolate/bread/cake stuff WITHOUT milk..
Milk is my passion!!!! (j/k)
I'm definitely scared of bugs. (esp. spiders)
but I find snakes very cute. I want one of them as my pet;)
I have this chronical illness that makes me fall asleep in almost every single test that I take in my life...(AP tests, even SATs.. not to mention one of those chapter tests at school.)
I wanna go East Coast. I'm so sick of CA.</p>

<p>and BTW, tropical, no offense, but washing your hair only with conditioner is kinda... sick. it doesn't really reduce the oil/dirty stuff as effective as shampoos. Shampoos are designed to CLEAN your hair while conditioners are designed to SOFTEN your hair. There's a difference.</p>

<p>dude Joy... I totally hear you about being sick of CA... I really want to go east coast also. which is part of the reason I applied to Brown =)</p>

<p>yea I know. I hope I get into Brown!! and get outta here soon..<em>crossing my fingers</em> lol</p>

<p>Think of the stalkers!!!</p>

<p>Lol happygal, so they say, so they say :D.</p>

<p>And CA is awesome! Fcking oceanside, westside pride baby. Such beautiful girls around here. If they had a Brown in Cali I would live on campus and refuse to leave if I were rejected.</p>

Location: Hollywood, CA
Fav School Subjects: Marie Boilogy, Yoga
Fav Color: Red/pink
Fav Dessert: chocolate mocha cheesecake
Fav Celebrity: Jonathan Rhys Myers & Jake Gyllenhal (i loved him in Brokeback Mtn!!!!)
Fav Author:
Hobbies:Music, Fencing, Eating, Napping, Shopping, karaoke!!!
-i love taking showers!!!
-i eat peanuts with shells on ( i have a whole ritual .... boil 'em first!)
-i say "like" alot.. CA thing...
-albertsons (the one on los feliz) is my sanctuary
-personally know brad pitt, jennifer aniston, elvira, & the mom from "malcolm in the middle" (i'm not kidding .. my ex-bf lives in a gated community with 'em.. but brad & jen left)
-family guy fan!!
- i eat my cereal w/ ice cream.. i've got hypoglycemia .. i need all the sugar i can get!!!!
-plans to someday rule the world
-tends to date white/asian guys</p>

<p>here's my pic!!!
<a href="http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c322/mitchy157/tadanov182005001.jpg%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c322/mitchy157/tadanov182005001.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>i'm the second one on the left</p>

<p>Name: April
Location: West Chester, OH
Fav School Subj: English, Psychology
Fav color: maroon, turquoise
Fav dessert: whipped cream
Fav celebrity: Brad Pitt (typical I know)
Fav Author: Change Rae-Lee
Hobbies: creative writing, dancing, playing vio
(sleeping and eating if you consider those one)
Quirks: I could do the pretzel, I take showers for 45 minutes everyday, I'm too flexible for my own good, I go on cc for fun, I have a long tongue (haha), mr. burns from simpsons is THE *****, umm... and I love mushrooms. :)</p>

<p>orange mocha frappucino (didn't want to bother with the weird signs, sorry)- unfortunately, saying "like" a lot isn't just a california thing, ppl do it everywhere, i would know since i'm also guilty of the crime.</p>

<p>h2onine-mr. burns has something going on with his secretary guy... i personally think they are so CUTE together! haha
and i love mushrooms too.. (AND olives//)..</p>

<p>woleerki-I've heard from some of East Coast ppl that they notice CA accent when they come to CA.. there is little bit of difference,, i don't know what though. (maybe saying 'like' a lot.. and some ppl were surprised that ppl actually talk in AIM language! lol)</p>

<p>Wow, am I the only foreign applicant around here? I laughed so hard at you; how come so many of you have quirks in common with mine?
Name: Linh (this nickname is my name in Chinese - isn't it cool?)
Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
Fav School Subjects: what the heck, I hate school. Anyway, when a decent teacher comes around, English is everything I wanna learn. Watch out: does anyone plan to major in Linguistics and Cognitive Science? Let's start a club!
Fav Color: Blue, white, sort of conservative.
Fav Dessert: every sort of cake under the sun; can't bake any though...
Fav Celebrity: no thanks, celebrities are dumb
Fav Author: a whole lot. Conan Doyle, J.K. Rowling, Dan Brown, Jules Verne and O'Henry.
Hobbies: Reading, Listening to Music, Surfing, Sleeping, yeah I'm lazy
I hate wet cereal too, it's pathetic. Dry cereal is much more fun. I shake all the flakes out and eat them raw.
If I haven't got my due share of sleep, no alarm clock can wake me.
I love French fries to distraction. And while you're at that, mention pizza and hamburgers too. I'm one of the people Federal Health Program (or whatever it is) hates:D
I'm a vigorous opponent of maudlin Korean dramas.
To cap it all, I actually enjoyed preparing for the SAT. Whoa, hail the King of the Nerds!
Want a pic? Here you go. I'm the farthest one wearing pink. Looked a bit weird though...anyway:
<a href="http://www.hn-ams.org/album/details.php?image_id=34329&%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.hn-ams.org/album/details.php?image_id=34329&&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>With your perfect English, you live in Hanoi?</p>

<p>Did you get to visit Brown?</p>

<p>beprepn (P/2010)</p>

<p>Location: near Boston, MA
Fav School Subjects: spanish, band, english
Fav Color: yellow
Fav Dessert: oreo cookies and ice cream :-)
Fav Celebrity: ben stiller
Fav Author: orwell, hurston, fitzgerald
Hobbies: running/track & field, sewing, listening to music, dancing
i love juggling. i don't know why. there must be some circus in me.
i own a unicycle and i'm not afraid to use it.
i really like potato chips and ice cream, especially in those little hoodsie cups.
i love musicals: the phantom of the opera, little shop of horrors, wicked, rent, footloose, the wizard of oz...etc...</p>

<p>Name: Tammy
Location: Temecula, CA
Fav School Subjects: Bio, English Lit
Fav Color: Forest green
Fav Dessert: Cheesecake
Fav Celebrity: Jon Stewart
Fav Authors: Z.N. Hurston, Ayn Rand, George Eliot
Hobbies: Reading, Playing Music, Watching the Food Network, Hiking
Who doesn't love musicals?
My secret ambition is to run a Bed and Breakfast and simultaneously write a monumental piece of classic literature
I hate grapefruit</p>

<p>Wow, thanks for the compliment beprepn. Actually I picked up all my American colloquialism right on this CC board. And when you take into account that Linguistics is my greatest passion ever, it really adds up.
Still, we never got round to actually talking, so my spoken English sounds like crap. Besides, I don't think all that perfect English had a chance to shine thru my essays.
Nope, I've never been out of Vietnam. Lame huh? Still, of all the schools I'm applying to, Brown is the one I really love. Everything about it. Especially now I see we're gonna be very comfortable together, what with all the quirks about dry cereal and stuff;)
Btw, did you get in Pton early?</p>

<p>Name: Shelby
Location: NJ
Fav School Subjects: History
Fav Color: Silver
Fav Dessert: Blondie Brownies
Fav Celebrity: Richard Jefferson
Fav Authors: Ken Shropshire (never heard of him, he writes on the businss of sports, if you are interested)
Hobbies: Tennis, Watching sports, Reading SI
Quirks: I have to work out everyday or I can't do my homework, exercising makes me happy.</p>