Telluride Association Summer Seminar 2022

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im a finalist aaahhhh!!

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rejected oof

Congrats! Do you mind sharing what you talked about in your essays? What do you think made the difference for you?

dang rejected

Thank you! And for added context, I applied to AOS as a junior!
I…honestly don’t know. Like to the point I thought it was a mistake lol. Though I have no idea how many people get finalist versus how many people get accepted, so…hm. I thought 2/3 of my essays were mediocre and pretty generic responses to the prompts, but I was pretty happy with my second essay, which was about an album I really love, analyzing its themes, etc. But that’s pretty specific to me, so I don’t know what help it really is. I am generally confident in my writing though, so I don’t know if that kind of elevated thoughts that weren’t that complex? (Does that sound conceited? Lmao) But, yeah, I am very excited, and hope I can do well in the interview lol.

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Anyone here have any insight on the interviews? I’ve been reading old threads but wanted to see if anyone has recent info on the interviews/maybe the acceptance rate for finalists.

I’ve heard that half of all interviewees will be selected into tass. only a fourth of all applicants get the interview in the first place.


Do you know if Tass AOS will be as prestigious as a sophomore or will junior still be more prestigious? I am a finalist for AOS as a sophomore but I can’t find any stats

Just found out about this program and wondering if anyone can share what the essay prompts were? I’m curious to get a sense of what they are looking for in the essay writing. Thanks!

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Don’t think the grade really matters… its still prestigious either way! congrats

the prompts (at least for AOS) were basically

  1. if you could change anything about your high school, what would you change?
  2. choose a book/film/piece of music/etc, why is it important to you? what did you notice about it that others might not have?
  3. imagine youre at TASS and friends w person A, then slowly become closer friends with persons B and C, and person A is upset over your perceived exclusion of him. so he starts telling other TASS students that youre purposefully excluding him for being biracial. how would you solve this issue?
    400-500 words for all of them!

Thanks. These are great questions and helpful to read. Appreciate it! Michelle

Would you be willing to share your essays?

If anyone is having their interview soon or has already had their interview (either for this summer or in the past), pls let me know how it went!! I still haven’t gotten an email from an interviewer… also, how are people going about the school essay thingy? I’m just submitting some random book analysis essay i wrote this year, since that’s basically all i write in class.

Hey guys! Would any finalists be interested in like a discord server or chat?

id be interested! a place to deal w the inevitable trauma of the interview <3

also if this comes off as weird, erase it from your mind ASAP, but i think i talked to you on reddit lol