Temple University Nursing

<p>I dont get why anyone would go to upenn or even drexel for nursing and pay like over $50,000 a year (unless you get amaaazing scholarships and grants) when you can go basically around the corner to temple, which also has an AMAZING nursing program for about $22,000 including room and board… just sayinnn though.</p>

Not everyone thinks Temple’s nursing program is AMAZING…just sayinnn though.</p>

<p>also need to chime in on this…D Applied to just about every program in the Philly area EXCEPT Temple, the program is not that good…The crack about spending 50k on a nursing degree is your opinion,which i disagree with…Yes, you can get a great education for less,see U Pitt(best value in PA,imho)…</p>

<p>On a lesser note,some of the 50K schools give you a laptop upon entering as a freshman… Temple gives you a kevlar vest…just saying ;)</p>



<p>I know this thread is from awhile ago but right now im torn between Temple Honors for nursing and Umass Amherst which is instate for me. I got a scholarship to Temple so the cost is not that bad. I was looking for any advice about the two programs and which is better. Im going back to Umass to look at the nursing school soon so hopefully I can make a decision.</p>

<p>Temple’s nursing school is on the edge of the hospital complex, which is multiple blocks north of the main campus. Take a look at that area before you decide.</p>

<p>Aglages, why must every one of your remarks be so inflammatory?</p>

<p>yes, the nursing school is in a now less “terrible” section of campus, but you still need to attend classes elsewhere on campus, AND you need to get back to your dorm/apt in 1 piece…Temple has a large campus police force,so safety is a large concern of theirs…And while the campus footprint has spread out and overtaken former blighted areas, it still isn’t a particularly safe section of Philly</p>

<p>Actually, I got the opposite impression - that the main campus is now fine, but I didn’t like the area next to the nursing school.</p>

<p>I actually don’t like any part of campus,lol…to give Temple credit, they are trying to ‘gentrify’ the area…</p>

<p>Temple has a competitive nursing program, which a lot of people do not know. They only accept very few students, which makes it really competitive. Not as prestigious as UPenn (obviously), but it is a good nursing program especially because of the clinical experience you can get at Temple University Hospital, a large, tertiary-care urban hospital. Bad area - yes - but that’s where all the craziness happens. Very diverse and challenging patient population with A LOT of interesting and unique cases. There’s always a rapid response at the main lobby or the street O.O You’ll definitely learn a lot as a student.</p>