Tennesseans! Help!

Hello! I’ve been accepted into two online MBA programs, and I am looking for some advice on which to pursue. Here are the two programs, along with some relevant info. Let me know what you guys think!

University of Tennessee Chattanooga: I can complete the program in two years. My employer will reimburse all but 10k. They have a Business Analytics concentration which is very applicable to my current job. AACSB accreditation.

Trivecca Nazarene University: 2 year completion. Local university (I’m in Nashville), so I would be able to attend some on campus classes if I desire. My employer would reimburse 100% of the cost. No concentration, and not accredited by AACSB.

Even as I type this I see myself leaning towards UTC, but just need a little extra push I think.



Yeah?? Any specific reasons why you would pick UTC?

On the sheer fact it’s accredited.