<p>Why did you get those marks? Did you not put in the effort? Did you put in the effort, but your study skills are lacking so they didn’t help you that much?</p>
<p>You need to figure these things out before you apply to medical school.</p>
<p>If you get a C in chem 1, thats an automatic red flag for any med school that you aren’t taking classes seriously. You’re going to have to do stellar the rest of college if you want to consider applying to the good ones.</p>
<p>I wouldn’t say that you are “screwed,” but I definitely wouldn’t be worrying about “premed” right now. I would be concerned about upping my GPA enough, just to graduate. You need a 2.0 GPA to obtain your GPA in any field.</p>
<p>Why did you struggle so much? It looks like you took classes on both sides of the spectrum - math/science and humanities type classes. You did poorly in all of them. Were they not interesting or did you just party to much…not study correctly???</p>
<p>First you need to answer the questions above (and the ones lollybo posted). Then you have to decide what you really want to do and what you CAN do (i.e. if you really suck as science, don’t bother trying…harsh, but you’re saving yourself angst and $$$). Then enroll in those classes and work on a semester by semester basis to raise your GPA. You need to get out of the academic probation range. Once you do that, then you can focus on getting into a professional school.</p>
<p>I’d say out of all the courses, chem 1 is by far the easiest. My god, it’s just balancing equations and what not…which is why I said what I said about chem</p>
<p>It was one semester and it’s in the past and you can’t do anything about it, so why worry? Just change your habits, make school your main priority, and start performing in the classroom. It was your first semester and if you’re high school was anything like mine, the transition to college was rough and you just need to adjust. No need to throw your dream away, just don’t let it happen again.</p>