Testing out of math

<p>Is it possible to take a test to so that you don't have to take math? My son didn't do well on the AP test, but was always in advanced math and it is his best subject. He had Calculus his JR year and then AP Calculus his senior year making A's and B's in both. I feel sure he will test out. He only arrives at school 1 day before classes, so I don't know how this all works. Should he add a class just in case he is able to drop the math if he passes the test? Not sure how this all works so any advice will help.</p>

<p>The math department offers credit by exam in the beginning of the semester to test out of freshman-level classes, including Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Vector Geometry. It costs $10 per credit hour, so it would be $30 for one semester of calculus and $60 total for both semesters. A score of at least 70% is required to earn credit for the class; if he fails, he cannot do the credit by exam again and must take the class.</p>