So I posted this about a year ago regarding my application to Texas A&M and for whatever reason the thread closed but I just wanted to update: I DID NOT GET IT HAHA. But honestly, I’m glad I didn’t because it wasn’t for me! Now I go to Wheaton College in Illinois and honestly, its not only a better school (in my opinion but that’s just me I guess), but better fit for me. So don’t be upset if you don’t get into the school you want initially, because maybe instead, you’ll get into the school of your dreams that you didn’t even know existed until AFTER you get rejected from A&M. But I’m going to attach my initial post so you can see the credentials I used to apply to A&M:

I have already applied for TAMU and I am very anxious about getting accepted. (I tend to always worry about things haha). I have taken as many AP classes as possible and if that was not available to me, I have taken Pre Ap or Advanced courses. I am also enrolled in Dual Credit classes. I have very few regulars classes and if I do, I have an A in them. Even in my AP classes, I have always gotten either an A or B. I have never gotten a C throughout my entire time in high school. My GPA is a 3.7 out of 4 and a 4.7 out of 6. I am in the top 18% in my class ( my school is VERY large and VERY competitive.) For my SAT score, I got an 1180 but I am planning on taking it again and hopefully getting a higher score. As for extracurricular, I have LOTS of volunteer work. I volunteer 2-3 times a week at different programs such as an afterschool program for disadvantaged kids and leading a bible study for middle school girls. I also am in NHS, SNHS, HOSA (4th in the state for biomedical debate), and Speech and Debate. I have gone on two mission trips and I have been a counselor at two different camps this summer. I qualified for a gold key for the scholastic writing competition as well so my writing piece went to nationals. I am the president of the writer’s club at my school as well. I had an internship at my church this summer. I played volleyball for 5 years and I am involved in the art program at my school, where I placed in local and state competitions for. Currently, I am planning on graduating a semester early. In order to do that, I am taking online classes over the summer. I am getting letters of recommendation from multiple adults, but the most notable is a donor to the architecture program at TAMU, so I hope that will help me to get in. I am applying as a history major and focusing on either getting into law school or becoming a professor. Both of my parents went to TAMU as well.

I was admitted just last week as a biochemistry major (however, i am switching to BIMS). I am ranked 57/772 in my class (top 7.3%).

It sounds like your GPA is within the acceptable range of admits, and your ranking is pretty decent. That being said, TAMU just dropped their auto admit from top 25% to top 10%, so I have a feeling they will be a lot more selective this year. To be completely honest, your SAT score is not competitive with the average of other applicants (but good luck on your next try!!). At the end of the day, nobody really knows what to expect with TAMU admissions this year, but you do have a shot.

Good luck!!!

I know this was addressed on other post, but just want it to be clear for those reading this one and not the other forum.

Auto Admit has always been top 10% for TAMU. What they did away with was the Academic Review of top 25% and qualifying test scores.

I got accepted for GE on the 22nd.