Texas A&M ApplyTexas Questions

<p>I just have some questions about the application.</p>

<p>Part of the application makes us fill out information regarding our senior year, such as the extracurricular activities and senior courses.
1) Since I'm a rising senior, am I suppose to not check the senior year boxes? Or do I just fill out the info based on what I plan to do?
2) I don't receive my official senior courses list until school starts in September. Do I leave the courses blank? Or do I fill it out based on what I expect to take?</p>

<p>Some required things such as the essays, official high school transcript, college profile (my school doesn't rank) have yet to be readied for submission. Is there an advantage in applying now and sending things in later compared to waiting until I have everything ready then applying?</p>

<p>You can’t leave classes blank. Most schools register students before school year ends. Did you not do that?</p>

<p>You can fill out what you plan to do for ECs during senior year.</p>

<p>Your application needs to be complete before you submit. Your transcript goes from your school and so it gets there whenever it gets there once you request it. However, until it is there validating what you mention in your app, it won’t be considered complete. You do need to request your scores to be sent too.</p>

<p>Nothing can be left out when you submit your app since it can’t be amended once submitted. So make sure everything is complete.</p>

<p>By app you mean not including the essays right? Because applytexas says I can complete the essays after submitting my app.</p>

<p>I basically have my app completely filled out, I just don’t have all the required stuff yet. Should I just submit the applytexas first, and then work on getting everything sent in?</p>

<p>What purpose does submitting the app serve without essays?</p>

<p>What is the required stuff?</p>

<p>Not really sure. A&M says “It is recommended to submit the application first, followed by other required credentials. Submit your application as early as possible.”</p>

<p>Does submitting the app now and essays later help at all with chances? If not, I don’t see why the option to do that would be available.</p>

<p>I don’t believe they are saying submit application without essays. </p>

<p>However, if you have a choice to do so, do it but finish your essays quickly. I would suspect they don’t consider you for more than basic admission without the essays and if you are not going to have a rank, that might make it even more difficult.</p>

<p>Someone mentioned A&M engineering used to be first come first serve but it is being changed this year. If the instructions say apply early, go with it.</p>

<p>Required credentials would be things such as High School Transcripts, ACT/SAT scores. I don’t think they will review the application until all this has been checked off. So you can submit application without essays, but get them done as soon as possible. Have your test scores sent and as soon as you can request your transcripts be submitted, do so. All of these things have to be checked off before your application is “in review”.</p>

<p>Admissions told me that sending in your app before your other documents allows them to process your application ahead of time, so your documents can be quickly sent to the department to which you are applying.</p>