Texas A&M Class of 2025...After you have been accepted...Q&A

I have actually considering changing careers (not exactly thrilled with my chosen profession at this stage in my life.) I have considered doing college advising, because I think I would love it. But, it does not pay very well… so the search continues!

We have a mid June NSC, so hopefully the hiccups are out by then. I am excited to attend. I was just anxious about the registration, but am feeling better about it now. I am glad the kids go back without parents. This will kind of force him to not rely on me so much. Have to start snipping away at that cord! :laughing:


I am not as concerned about dorm selection. @AggieMomhelp has trained me well. He will be happy wherever he lands. If it is in his first choice, he will be grateful, but otherwise he will just pick some where else and be just as happy. After the huge let down of not getting BH, I think he will take disappointment in stride.
*** Now, he still is convinced that he will get Hullabaloo because, “He has faith in me!” :laughing:


I’ve applied for college advising or admissions. I want it as my retirement job. They denied me Lolol. I’m like… do you know how much time I save y’all? You owe me… I don’t think they agree :flushed:


@tmclanton Mays advisors will work with the students before lunch on schedule. We attended the Parent session while student were with Advisor, we walked to the (pitiful) place to eat near Mays for lunch, came back in time for registration and it was done.
The Mays Business Council had a stand/kiosk in the hall, selling Mays stuff (shirts, sticker, etc) and we hadn’t even gotten to order/pay by the time students were released. Mays Merch isn’t offered often, so tell your son to buy when he sees it.
Housing selection is a right of passage, prepares you for the very worst😜 If he doesn’t get Hullabaloo at first, there is definitely a chance to go back in & switch, if he’s not going in with a roommate. I personally know ppl who have switched from Dunn to Hullabaloo, by watching carefully & acting fast.

P.S. definitely start cutting that cord! You’ll be amazed what he can do/accomplish on his own!:blush:

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If you need a reference, let me know.
I wanted to work on my PhD from TAMU (want the ring) in higher education administration and do advising while going through it. But, that degree is not offered online and my husband and son said I can’t move to CS. So, do I suck it up and go to UNT… they don’t have the cool ring! Now, advising may be a retirement thing for me as well… it will keep my retirement in TRS, so that is good!

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Yes, every time we have cut the cord a little, he has responded amazingly well! He is fully capable, just very resistant to do so. This is one of the main reasons I required that he go off to college! He is one that needs to be shoved out of the nest!

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in 2019, the kids had a 4 hour (2pm to 6pm?) window to tweek their schedule, so no rush to leave the room. I like how Mays gave detailed advising beforehand as @52AG82 described. How many business majors were there? For engineering, it had to be 200 - 300?

We’ll be there too mid june…hope it doesn’t rain like last time!

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Do you really help with that. We would love your help.

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@Eggscapgoats no idea how many there were, but small. Mays only admitted 1,000 then (its upped to 1,100 this year), so lots smaller than Engineering. My student is Business Honors, which was only 80ish kids (divided by however many NSC sessions), so literally a handful.
Yes, there is plenty of time to enter:tweak the schedule-any major.

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Curious to hear from others - my daughter isn’t showing any urgency in finding a roommate. Every time I ask her she tells me she’s looking but honestly I don’t think she is. Anyone else in the same boat? I feel like picking a roommate is better then getting someone random… She has an awesome reply - Dad, I’m sure all the Freshman girls who will be at A&M are awesome. She signed up for housing Nov. 23rd.

I was feeling the same way. Then I stepped back and realized they are adults. If they don’t want to take the time to do it, then they will go potluck. It is their decision. We can only do so much. (This coming from an over planning mom who tends to hold his hand too much through the process. I decided this is his time to step up if it is important to him).

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Of my four kids I had one really try and felt disappointed because the effort wasn’t being reciprocated. Another contacted the first person on her list and have been best friends since. Third went pot luck by choice. And my last one keeps telling his mama to chill, it’ll get done.


@TamuDad15 going to be honest-with a late November app date, your daughter will have better luck trying to find an empty bed in a room already occupied OR matching with a roomie that has a much higher time. It would be tough to find many rooms open for 2, by the time she gets her selection slot.
She will need many dorm options, like, decide on Northside vs Southside, then rank every single dorm in order of preference.

Howdy, y’all!

I was admitted back in September into Mays and A&M is one of my number one choices right now. I payed my deposit on the 23rd of October and I just had a few questions regarding housing. I was wondering how likely it’d be for me to get the desired room I wanted. My preferred dorm is Hullabaloo with a single room or single suite. Any insight as to how likely i’d be to get these rooms would be greatly appreciated. I also had a quick question regarding Phase 3 of the application. Do I need to be a part of a Roommate Group or create my own group in order to proceed even if I want to room in a single? Thank you so much!

From my understanding, it would be very unlikely that you would be able to get a single at Hullabaloo. It is the most sought after dorm and the rooms fill up in the first couple of days. With you having paid the deposit near the end of October, the rooms will be gone. There may be a chance to find a spot in a double room/suite, but that will only happen if you happen to look right after someone else has given up their room.
You do not have to go through the roommate matching or be in a group. It is easier to find rooms if you do not have a roommate and go potluck.


@elpsycongroo21 what @tmclanton said is correct. You have zero chance at a Hullabaloo single. Your only shot at Hullabaloo is going in without a roommate and trying to find an empty bed…and that will be a stretch.
If you really want a single room, I suggest trying Walton or Fowler/Hughes/Keithley (they’re balcony style)-all next to Hullabaloo, and lots cheaper.
If you really, really only want Hullabaloo, grab a bed anywhere, then go back in daily after your selection time and look for openings. It does happen, but you have to fast & check often. But again, no chance at a single or single suite.
You definitely want Northside for Mays. And Mays is awesome…congrats!

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Geez guys, thanks so much for the insight. Looks like I should be looking at other options for the time being.

@elpsycongroo21 sorry! But better to know what your options are. Problem is, there are very few singles & 2 person suites (what you call a single suite). They’re snatched up usually in the first day dorm selection opens.
You could definitely get a shared room in Hullabaloo; maybe not during your time slot, but as rooms/beds open up during the process (ppl switch around, decide they would rather live off campus etc.).

To add on to what they said… you should do a profile though for a roomie. Doesn’t mean you have to match to someone before you select a room, BUT it does help when you are in Phase 4 selecting a bed/room/dorm.

For instance… you’re looking at Hullabaloo and there’s a 2x2. One bed is left. You can click on the profiles of the other roomies. If they look like a good fit to you, then you can select the bed. Reverse holds true if you’re in the room first. You don’t want some random person who parties and stays up late selecting your room if you study and go to bed early. Hope that makes sense.

Oh and I know @52ag82 highly recommends northside for Mays, but in my opinion, it doesn’t matter. IF you have a class in Wehner, it will be 1. Most of your other classes will be on the other side of the tracks (where the dorms are). Busses are amazing here and bikes are popular. Walking is easy if you allow enough time.

IF you want to be near Mays(Wehner), then you need to select White Creek. Those are by far the closest! And it is has a mini MSC with food, market, study pods, music room, basektball, private parking and more. AND they have a FULL kitchen and washer and dryer in the room. Truly not sure why peeps don’t pick this first. It’s not that much more than other dorms and pretty on point for Hullabaloo pricing.

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