Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

They didn’t say nobody would hear anything until after March 1st. They said they will wait on some decisions after March 1st when everyone they gave the 3 choices has responded. I think TEAM for engineering is different.


I think I’ve already asked this, but I can’t remember and don’t see it…where will TEAM offers post? What are we looking for? Thanks!

They will be posted in your Howdy portal / AIS- it will say you have these 3 choices - Blinn Team ONLY OR Waitlist ONLY or Blinn Team/ Waitlist. Make a choice by March 1. You are only being considered for the one you choose. I didn’t screen shot it, but it was along those lines. From everything I have read here AND on Aggie parent pages, your best bet is to choose Blinn TEAM ONLY. Any other choice and most likely you are waiting until April to hear anything.

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Thank you. We’ve actually already had those options. I mean how/where will the decision post or notify?


Sorry- I misunderstood. It will be posted in the AIS of your portal. It will say “you’ve been accepted!” I have a feeling - I could be wrong - but I’m hoping for something tomorrow or Tuesday. :pray:


Is it still quiet for everyone waiting on something back after selecting a choice from the TEAM options?

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Yup….no change this morning.

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Still waiting. Ugh…now my daughter has her hopes on A&M. It’s been an emotional rollercoaster. Hoping we hear something soon, so we can move forward and begin preparing.

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Same here. It would be nice to have some closure so we can make plans.


I’m hearing people who went to Aggieland Saturday say that they heard some A&M representatives say things like A&M is full, they got way more applications this year than normal, they are trying to get all decisions out by March, etc. I just hope that the people who got the 3 options 2 weeks ago do not have to wait until March to hear what the outcome is.


Not even crickets … I wish we could know once and for all, I rather know now than keep waiting getting my daughter hopes high for nothing .

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Based on the March 1st deadline I would not be surprised if they wait until after that date to start sending offers again.


@FriscoDad Do you know if they have done a March 1st deadline in the past years?

This year sounds different than what Kristi and FriscoDad have said for past year’s offers for the three options.

Does anyone have a contact in the Admissions office that can corroborate what people have been reporting from Aggieland Saturday?

I hate to think that we have to wait until March 1st for a response to the Blinn TEAM only selection made back in January 31st.

If someone hasn’t logged in to AIS and made a decision after two weeks then they obviously are not a strong candidate to accept the Blinn TEAM offer. Not sure why they needed to give a month to make a decision on an option that isn’t even a firm acceptance offer. It’s just an option.

My fear is that they overextended the number of people that were given options and there will be some disappointed kids in the next few weeks.

My hope is that they worked through the TEAB offers last week and will now extend the TEAM offers this week, but the comments from Saturday are making me lean towards fear than hope.


I feel like my comment was misunderstood.
I said if you haven’t heard anything AT ALL about Blinn TEAM you wouldn’t likely hear until after spring break. I am meaning those that did not get the 3 choices are those who have not heard anything at all from TAMU. If you got the 3 choices, you have heard from TAMU, so they said most should hear back by spring break.


Happy to hear that everyone may have misunderstood your comment.

Others on Reddit have made some similar claims about there being too many offers extended for TEAM this year.

To further clarify your post, you said that

“They said that they will wait until after March 1st to make some of the decisions for this group, based on the responses that they receive by that deadline.”

So they explicitly said that some of the people given the three options will be waiting until after March 1st?? I hope those that are waiting are not the ones that selected Blinn TEAM only.

Yes, they said some people who got the three choices would not hear until after March 1st.

They did not say they extended too many emails with the 3 choices in our session.

My point was that if you’ve heard nothing at all (no 3 choices), then it is unlikely that you will be offered Blinn TEAM (no idea about engineering, because that’s different) until after the people who got the 3 choices on Jan. 31 get sorted out, which should hopefully be by spring break. They are working on sorting the Jan. 31 3 choices group from now until spring break. No idea if they will be notified over time or in a few big chunks.

I’m sure they are also hoping that the kids who got UT and want to go there willl officially drop TAMU, so maybe more spots will open up.

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We attended Aggieland Saturday. I can confirm they said there are a record number of 59,000 applicants. Over 13,000 are top 10% eligible. That’s basically the freshman class slots. He said they want to find ways for students to attend who are really interested in A&M. Blinn Team (not Teab) class typically ranged from 500-1,000 students over last 5 years per the chart they showed.
We went to One Stop table and asked about status with 3 options. My DD chose Team only based on great advice here. I was told that admission offers would continue from end of February through mid-March. When I asked whether that meant no more admissions are being offered until the end of February, they said no- admissions is continuing to process admissions decisions.


In previous few cycles, AO didn’t wait til March 1st to send admission. Admissions were sent daily whatever they could finish.

March 1st is a deadline for transfer application, not a significant date for Fall freshmen admission.

One thing was reflected to TAMU though, they should release new Blinn Team contract (23-24) so students can decide before paying for NSC. There have been talks about moving Mays Blinn contract at even higher GPA.

We went to the Blinn meeting this weekend and he stated that students wanting to get into Mays after their 1st year in college need to have a 3.8 GPA.