Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

@Penny_Jones contact Aggie One Stop for specifics, clarification.

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Has there been a big wave yet of holistic review admissions for engineering? Getting a little nervous here.

Just in case I can help prepare you, my now-freshman Engineering Aggie who went through holistic review applied some time last September. He didn’t receive his acceptance until December 3rd. Between the time he applied and received his acceptance, I worried, prayed, cried and went through a slew of other emotions. Other applicants received deferrals 'til the beginning of this year, so they had to wait even longer. It’s tough. Just have your DD keep checking. :grinning:


Thank you so much for your kind and supportive words! We think she’ll receive an offer of some sort, but it’s hard to see friends with lower scores/rankings start to be accepted to other colleges at TAMU… even Mays.

And housing - there’s always so much pressure to be towards the front of the line with housing… and we’re holding our breath while hoping to avoid paying non-refundable housing deposits to her safety schools.

Fingers crossed that she’ll hear something soon. She’s worked so hard and would be a great Aggie.

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“worried, prayed, cried and went through a slew of other emotions…” is good description to all of us :slight_smile:

my update: because my son didn’t receive confirmation email about Maritime Academy application during three weeks, he sent it second time. During 12 hours he receive email that they have it and it takes several days to process. Hope in nearest future his application will be reviewed…


Interesting that you say that SMU is not In the same league as UT. In my opinion, UT and SMU are the top two business schools in the state. I would put them over rice and mays any day. The connections, money, and opportunities that SMU offers its business students are phenomenal, not to mention job placement and starting salaries…And I’m talking about BBA, not MBA.

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I am with you too. Son is accepted to Galveston, waiting to hear from CSTAT and today is registration for final spring semester dual credit classes. If Galveston route, I think he needs to stop taking classes, if CSTAT then he needs to take the remaining classes. I need an academic advisor for his final year of high school at this point :joy:

Plan now is to sign him up for winter-mini and the three 8 week spring classes and drop them as we go on the last drop date/pmt due date if no word - I think :woman_shrugging:t3:.

I feel like I need a flow chart to follow that! :wink:

I think I do too! Each class (3 credit hours) is only $150 total. So hard to skip that price.

Formal acceptance letters for TMA is usually in Spring, so between now and December 15, admission usually rushing Spring Transfers and Engineering EA. Just relax and enjoy the winter break.

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You’re very welcome. I’ve got my fingers crossed for y’all, hoping for a quick and positive response. Yes, it’s rough seeing others with their acceptances while y’all are waiting.

Quick question-My son applied a few days before the October 15 deadline for engineering and heard back pretty quickly he was accepted to the university (he is top 10%) but do you know when he can anticipate hearing if has been accepted into the engineering program? He is currently in review and anxious to hear if he will get into engineering. Will it likely not be until sometime in December? Thank you!

On or before mid December. Engineering review is just a formal process, your son is already admitted.
The engineering review is mainly high school credit check, there is nothing serious in consideration of majors because students get their majors in Sophomore after ETAM freshmen year.


Thank you! I guess he is just nervous until he sees he is out of “engineering review”. :slight_smile: thanks for your quick response!

@Desertpalm11 I am trying to find the same information. SMU ranks below in every ranking than Mays and ofc McComb but anecdotal evidence suggests otherwise.
I have heard only positive things about SMU business and very positive things about the influence it has in DFW market and to a certain extent in TX.
Both (May, SMU) these schools are not in the same league nationally as McComb. However, the gap narrows down for TX (specifically A&M for Houston SMU for DFW).

McComb also beats these schools hands down when it comes to tech companies anywhere.

Both SMU and A&M has ‘family’ vibe as compared to UT.

My 2 cents. I don’t have too many data points to support this but this is summary of our research.


Overall, and business school ranking from US News

ut austin: 38, 5
a&m: 68, 23
smu: 68, 41
utd: 136, 41

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My son got into TAMU CSTAT Engineering today 10/31. He submitted his application early October. We are OOS. SAT 1530, GPA 3.96(UW)/4.48(W), 11 APs. My niece already attends, and she can’t say enough good things about the program. Good luck to all - Gig 'Em!


Way to go!

@FriscoDad - TIs that engineering decision faster than normal? I only inquire since many are still waiting in our HS and our local area.

Engineering decision is about the same as previous years. Those applied and completed before EA will get some communication before mid December including full admission and deferment. The rest wll be in traditional January to early March timeframe.

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