Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

@pablazzz you will want to contact Aggie One Stop. Only they can tell you specifics of Aggie Assurance, grants, loans, etc.

My friend’s son got in the other day. He was not top 10% but made a 35 on his ACT and his GPA was over 4.0. I had not doubt he would get in.


That part of Dallas is a nightmare. The area is old, the streets are narrow and it’s very population dense.

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If close to $60K you will get full tuition waiver, you still have to pay for room and board though which is around $10K-$14K
Make sure you file FAFSA at studentaid.gov, Financial Aid offer starts in Spring.


@Desertpalm11 Thanks… daughter already received confirmation from A&M.

I will relax if application wasn’t stuck on step “incomplete.” Whole month gone and it’s stiil BEFORE reviewing.

Howdy! we homeschool too! still waiting on my class of 27 son to hear. he’s college of arts and science (Oceanography major). My 2 older got accepted to A&M. Oldest is class of 21 and #2 is class of 24. both in the corps, the oldest commissioned and now stationed in Korea. hoping to have #3 and 4 in the Corps as well! Each of our kids ONLY applied to A&M so they better get accepted. LOL. This year testing was optional so my son didn’t take it. yikes. They say that wouldn’t hurt them but we shall see. Worst case, he’s already accepted to West Texas A&M through their PUP program so he can go there for 1 year and transfer.


My son applied on 10/15 and got accepted to engineering after a week. any idea when scholarship information will be emailed /available ?


Thank you but I’ve heard from some people that you get pretty much nothing even if they make a couple thousand over 60k like my parents. Others like you have said that you’ll get something decent. I emailed and called them but they’ve given vague answers and were just saying to wait until spring. I guess all I can do is wait but not get my spirits too up :frowning:

It depends on the year they came into TAMU. This is from the website:

“Beginning in Fall 2021, we are expanding our Aggie Assurance commitment to provide tuition support grants for first-time freshmen and first-time transfer students whose family income is greater than $60,000 but no more than $130,000. The amount of the tuition support grants will vary based on income and financial need. Tuition grants will not cover all of tuition.”

Looks like it only applies to first year at TAMU, after that it may be nothing.

“You may be covered or supported for up to four consecutive academic years, if you maintain other eligibility requirements. Aggie Assurance and tuition support grants are only awarded in the Fall and Spring terms.“


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It’s also not the same amount of grant even if you make about the same amount of money. Many other factors are considered. When I had 2 kids in college they got a lot of grants, but one graduated and now we get nothing (but our income also doubled so that probably reduced the amount of grants we qualify for).

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Is there a way to know when the holistic review acceptances are issued? My daughter applied on August 1 and is a strong candidate, but not top 10%.

I’m driving myself nuts checking the Howdy Portal every day. Last year, most kids at her school who applied in August and were strong holistic candidates heard in October or November, but this year, only the auto-admit kids have received acceptance letters so far.


@RachelMTAMU94 here’s what the TAMU Admissions website states about holistic. Unless she got a very high SAT/ACT, expect to wait.
What major did she apply for, and what are her stats?

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Yes, thanks. I know that is what the website says, but the experience of other similarly situated kids has been that they hear in November, so we are anxious.

She’s got a 4.2 at the top open enrollment public high school in Texas; 1320 SAT; a million APs; athletics, leadership, volunteer hours/community service out the wazoo; strong essays (IMO) and she works two jobs. She listed Construction Science as her top major, but she would take any.

My husband and I are both active Aggie alum/season ticket holders as are most of her extended family. She’ll be devastated if she doesn’t get in. She took her first steps in the MSC. She’s done all the things - countless football and basketball games, official visit, College of Arch tour, dorm tours, etc. We are DYING. I’m a wreck. She’s gotten accepted to OU and Akry already. Will hear from UGA on Nov. 19. Miami and Vandy - later (and are reach schools). So she’s got options, but only TAMU matters to her.

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What is the unweighted GPA (that’s the one that matters) and assigned rank in AIS?
Holistic reviews result come early for larger majors like Engineering, Business and some natural science.
Construction science is big on transfer but quite small for freshmen. It is likely admission decision will come after second review post winter break.


I thought maybe there was a source (reddit or here or elsewhere) when the big waves of letters were issued so we’d have a sense of timing. For example, last year, my best friend’s son was holistic review and he explained he was accepted during the “third” wave - the weekend of Thanksgiving. I haven’t seen any info on the web about the timing of the “waves” this year.

That stinks b/c she may have to decide on UGA and Miami before then. Would be better to know if she was in at TAMU before telling other schools.

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She submitted her SRAR in August. How do I find her assigned rank?

NVM. They assigned her top 25% rank. I think that is the AIS rank that you mean.

I’ll die of anticipation if I have to wait until January. I can’t believe how hard and nerve-wracking it is as a parent. When I applied it seemed so easy. Sigh.

Thanks for the replies! Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for now.

Good luck, everybody. And gig 'em!!