Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

Same. Last year, my D just selected the box at application.
This year, he got an email reminded him to submit essays (several weeks after he was admitted). We didn’t ask why, he just sent them in.
My daughter is trying again this December and there’s an application, essays, and interview.

@Mha6514 that’s really strange, website even states no additional info required to apply to BH.
I know people who have already received BH acceptance, and they simply checked the box when applying.
My Aggie is in BH. It’s as tough, if not tougher, to get in the 2nd attempt. 4.0 is mandatory and campus activities/involvement, and not sure what else? We have several friends who were asked to apply again-both had the 4.0 and involvement…and still didn’t make it.

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She’s going to give it one more chance.
I heard there’re 8 spots? I don’t know how they came up with that number.

@Mha6514 number changes yearly, based on (I think) how many total are in the initial cohort.
It’s usually 7/8-12ish. It’s a very small number admitted.

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Gotcha. Is this to maintain the 80 total? Any speculation why a BHer would leave the program after 1 semester?

@Mha6514 its not that anyone has left, in fact there’s very little turnover. They just allow one more opportunity. Each cohort is 90-100 (give or take) once a few are added the 2nd time.

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I am still confused about the A&M admission process. My daughter applied back in August listed businness program as her first choice and Communications as her second choice. At the time we knew being accepted into business was a reach, but I assumed she would then qualify for her second choice. We arent expected to hear back until like January or February. So have they maybe just put her application to the side for further review? Did we mess up by listing business as first choice…? She is in top 30% of her class at a competitive high school, has worked at same job for 3 years (competitive Gymnastics coach) lettered in cheer and choir, choir officer, president of her school FCA. Average SAT

You didn’t mess up by putting business first. She wouldn’t hear back til Jan/feb regardless of what she selected. Most Holistic will hear back Jan-Mar. no worries.

Did she submit scores?


My son heard back as a holistic applicant on December 1st!


@HGB1975 yay! What major and what were his stats?

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Just want to give hope, because he did not submit test scores and was not in the top 10% of his school. His school doesn’t rank at all though. He applied mid August.


Geographic Information Science & Technology. 3.7 GPA. 4 AP classes/basketball/lots of service hours/advanced scuba diver. Good engagement and demonstrated interest with his admissions officer.


Cool major, don’t know anyone in it, but have heard about it. Congrats again!

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Yeah, hoping GIS(T) is small enough he can actually get some attention and the classes he needs to graduate on time!


At first she did test optional but later we decided to send the scores anyway. She got a 1110. A&M has claimed that they don’t count low test scores against you but it just gives them more information. No idea if thats really true or if we did the right thing. With her score it says she is in the top 30% of test takers.

Do you know why we heard back on Dec 1st (applied mid August) with no test scores or top of the class rank compared to the typical Jan-March time frame? Were we just lucky? Or is it not as hard to get into as some seem to think? I feel like I’m missing something…


We met with an admissions officer too in our area. Can’t hurt right

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We were told by college counselors not to submit a 1250 because it would have been too low.

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Strange because thats not in line with what A&M has claimed previously…? Still very confused :laughing:

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@Lake-Mom I could be very wrong-hope I am-but 30% and 1110 SAT might not hear until March, and could be PSA offer.
Has she taken many AP or DC classes?