Texas A&M Class of 2028 Official Thread

I was told this afternoon that the first letters for autos are slated to start going out the last week of August. Didn’t someone earlier say they’ve already heard of some getting acceptances?

No letter yet here, but son has 7 tabs in the AIS system and his app says in engineering review now.

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I “think” my son might be in the top ten. I was out of town for a few days and had him check his portal today. His first choice major now says something like general engineering BAC and there is a yellow banner at the top asking for a transcript so he can be admitted. Uploaded the transcript and letter of recommendation today. I was not expecting this! Hopefully a good sign!

My daughter’s still has 3. She applied on 8/1 but also had her transcript sent 8/1 too. And apparently, that’s the holdup. Lesson learned for daughter #2 in two years. Send transcript before application….

Yes that is acceptance, once official transcript is verified, it will be in the stage of “engineering review”.

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If you student is top 10% and needs a transcript is there any way for you to download one yourself and upload? It doesn’t have to come directly from the school necessarily.

I asked how the download option worked, since official TS had to be sealed or sent by schools. I was told that if you’re an incoming freshman, then the transcript must be sent by the high school. You can only upload if you’ve already graduated or transferring in. We have a copy, but it says unofficial.

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So the transcript was green checked overnight and now in review. 6 tabs in AIS now.

Daughter has 7 tabs this morning and “engineering review”.
Applied August 7th
Top 10% Auto
1360 SAT
Calculus AB/BC 5’s on exam
18 Hours Duel Credit
Varsity Cross Country/Track & Field
Cannot believe how fast this was this go around!
Son is current TAMU junior Comp. Sci major
NOTE: we submitted transcript & AP scores earlier in the summer. They were already linked when first logging into AIS


So does the housing portal open in Howdy or AIS?

Just checked and my daughters is the same. 7 tabs in Howdy and shows all of her info in her overview, with her status as AS- Active (freshman).


@JEdge2004 its been several years, and my Aggie did it all, but I believe Housing portal is thru Howdy.
So far, no has said it has opened up yet. It’ll be interesting to see how they do it this year. In the past, it opens up the day you’re admitted, so those with 1st day admission get the best dibs (assuming they pay Housing deposit right away). With so many already getting 7 tabs, if they open up Housing portal all at one time…guaranteed to crash the system.

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Oh ok. I was able to download a transcript from our Skyward system and upload it. It doesn’t say unofficial on it though. My way worked.

Ours from Skyward says unofficial at the bottom.


My daughter has her AIS login.

  1. How is the best way to upload Letters of Rec? Does she get a copy from her recommenders and upload on the “My Documents” tab herself? - Her school also uses Xello to collect LOR’s, but it is not clear if that connects to AIS.

  2. Any other optional documents that are beneficial for holistic review?

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Thanks for posting. I’m not sure we would have found that. My son is in (engineering review)too!

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  1. One can upload via AIS My Document. LOR is not that important for admission but important for scholarship and Engineering Honor application (a separate process).
  2. Resume (for detail extra work and activities)
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New to forum… great info. So I’ve been reading ya’lls posts. My 2nd son going through application process. I see his AIS says “engineering review” like y’all are saying and howdy portal has “7 tabs” (don’t recall it having fewer but maybe it did at one point). What does that mean? I know he has to be holistically reviewed but why does it saying “engineering review” matter at this point? Thanks.

Also, how do I check what class rank he was assigned (homeschooled).

Thank you.

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