Texas A&M Class of 2028 Official Thread

I’ll also say that, as a Bush School parent, that I really feel like Poli Sci being in Bush School now is going to strengthen your options coming out of A&M. They have multiple Masters programs, they push internships and are growing the connections in DC. But again, where do your natural interests and talents lie? That’s probably where you’ll find the most success.


Thank you ao much for your input! The reason I wanted to do SEAL was because I was going to double major regardless, and if I did SEAL, all 42 of my UNT credits would transfer into the major and I would be able to major in something Business, Economics, or Political Science. What are your thoughts on that?

@TigerGirl06 only students in Business Honors can double major, in Mays. Not sure about PolISci or Econ (what happened to English?) but it isn’t easy to double major at A&M; it also isn’t easy to change majors.

@LaFinalista has given sound advice. My Aggie husband (Business major) is an attorney, our Aggie daughter is headed to law school next fall (Mays Business Honors & MGMT graduate). You need to select a major that you can make a living with/be happy with, if your plans change in a couple years, and you don’t want to go to law school after all (it happens!).

A degree in University Studies will NOT be impressive to most law schools.

Thanks for the info!! What was his major?

If you have 42 UNT credits, are you sure you can apply as a freshman? Are you at TAMS? If you have that many credits you will definitely have a lot of limitations with changing majors. You might want to talk to an AO.

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I am UNT dual credit, and I will graduate with 42 credits. I actually have a 4.0 at UNT and I will be submitting that transcript as well


@TigerGirl06 - @LaFinalista is correct, you will have a very difficult time, if you attempt to change a major. All Dual Credit applies-whether you want it to, or not; AP is applied when wanted by student.
A&M prefers AP over DC, due to consistent rigor.

If you’re looking to double major, I suggest adding other schools to the mix. It’s terribly difficult to double major at A&M, and bringing in 42 hours definitely will not be in your favor.

It’s almost September 1. Thousands of kids applied August 1. You need to get your application in asap!
How is it possible your gpa could go from a 3.7 - 4.7?
You need to sit down with your college guidance counselor/outside career coach/A&M admissions officer, etc and get a game plan lined up… QUICKLY. ESPECIALLY if you aren’t Top Ten%. You need some Safety schools.


Can anyone provide an estimate for freshman all in cost for 2024 at TAMU? For college of engg…

@Amven you can use the A&M Tuition Calculator to get a good idea.

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@Amven, I looked at our bills to compare TAMU’s calculations, and they are spot on. Everything else is “prices may vary,” depending on living accommodations, sports pass, dining, computer purchase, books (and Cengage [whatever that is]), entertainment, garage or lot pass, tutoring, maroon apparel supplementation, and other incidentals.

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Bachelor of Science in University Studies — Arts and Sciences Concentration | Texas A&M University College of Arts and Science.

US programs are still available and survived the reorganization. However some US programs like Business are no longer available.

I actually like this program as it gives flexibility within a major. Depending on major it could be watered down but you also have 2 approved minors that will compliment your job aspirations. It’s a unique degree for sure since it’s customized to you but it doesn’t make it less valuable if it fits your goals.

My opinion or course.


SEAL is still there, at least for this coming year. But the more pressing issue is an extremely small incoming class size. Applicants will likely need very long wait unless auto-admit. Class size is an important factor most applicants don’t realize in terms of admission chance.

As responded before, last few cycles TAMU Communications students got the most admissions to law schools. Although considered moderately competitive hovering around 30% (for non-auto) last five cycles, class size is slightly larger and more flexible than government and political science.


Great job with a 4.0 and 42
Credits! If your 42 credits apply to the degree plans of the majors you are seeking, they are a big advantage! TAMU has not formally said that they prefer AP to Dual credits . ( correct me if I am wrong and I’d love to see the source ).
Most older professors I have talked to indicated that the education was better in their opinion when all classes where taken at TAMU. Since that doesn’t happen much anymore , both dual and AP have strengths. Dual enrollment has adjunct faculty at community colleges who usually have a PhD in that discipline, however may have a Masters. High school AP can be a crapshoot( AP science teacher who is an undergraduate Bio major teaching AP physics is an example). The rigor of the course and knowledge of the instructor vary widely for both , however both AP and Dual credit do follow approved syllabi by either the College Board or the college attending . The difference is that the AP exam is nationally standardized.

My older son knew many many students who double majored (mostly different majors within the old school of liberal arts). Double majors are more difficult if they are located in different schools (different required core curriculum)within the university and may be restricted by the school. However, if both majors are in the same school , that would greatly simplify things. Totally agree with the backup plan leading to employment in a career you would enjoy/can support yourself if your law school plans change. Great job on 42 credits!

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Howdy! Nervous mom here waiting for my kids holistic review :slight_smile: Just wondering if anyone could give me an idea on what her chances are of getting accepted. She is a senior now, we applied Aug 1. She has a 29 on ACT right now, will be retaking it in Oct. She is ranked 7/299 kids at a magnet school. GPA 4.87. Her resume is stacked with clubs and service hours and she has been shadowing a local vet here for a few hours as well as dog sits/dog walks, and works at an ice cream shop. She is a varsity cheerleader. She has applied for animal science. Appreciate any advice/guidance! Thanks so very much. The wait is agony and this is my kids dream school. We are from Louisiana.


Also forgot to mention she has multiple AP credits and dual enrollment classes.

Chance is very high. Top 10% although not auto for OOS but still carry the most important weight.

Thank you so much. The wait is torture because she has put all her eggs in this basket except for one college in Louisiana but it is her last resort. A&M is her dream school but so many people are so negative in saying they only take 5% of OOS kids. I am so nervous for her. Do you have any idea when she can except to know? I have heard anywhere from Oct to March. I am praying she is amongst the first holistic reviews since we applied aug 1, I cannot IMAGINE having to wait until March to know how to plan or know where she is going!

Thank you! I actually have all UNT professors with PhDs and one of then already wrote and submitted her LOR for me and I will be sending that to TAMU too!


Shouldn’t need to worry with that rank.
Make sure official transcript shows rank and report that rank in SRAR, and make sure AIS reflect that. Likely know the decision before winter break or much earlier.

Thank you, yes her transcript does show the rank and it is all linked to SRAR as well. AIS has all green check marks and states it is in review. :slight_smile:

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