Texas A&M Class of 2028 Official Thread

@FriscoDad Do you have data for how many or what percentage of holistic kids get into Mays yearly?

Last year was unique at 13% likely due to pandemic. In general around 23%.


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@ChristiR93 can give you more advice on Mays. If possible try to take another SAT to improve to 1400+. The rank was likely assigned due to the score.

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My son is also at a non ranking school. Perfect GPA, 1510 SAT, 36 hrs dual enrollment, leadership, class President, national merit commended.

They put him in top quartile as well. He emailed to ask a question and they said he’s in the top 15% and with his test score he shouldn’t worry.



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DiDog50 - you are brilliant! I just changed setting to Fall 2024 and now it shows:
Bachelors Degree - Unspecified
Level: Undergraduate
Program: Business Administration(Lower)
Admitted: Fall 2024 - College Station
FR - Freshman
Catalog: Fall 2024 - College Station
College: Mays Business School
Campus: College Station
Major: Business Administration
Major Dept: College of Business

I don’t see “pending Mays” - I am hopeful that this is positive precursor to an official notification. Thanks again DiDog50!


@MikeAggie looks like he’s in! :crossed_fingers:t3: (unofficially, until official).
All Mays students enter as BUAD and don’t declare their major until end of sophomore/fall of junior year.

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His score definitely put him in top Qtr. only extremely high test scores will boost to top 10% on non ranking schools.

As for any courses he’s tested out of, I would mention if. His DC will speak to him being able to handle college rigor in a classroom. AP shows course rigor and that he can test well.

I wound definitely have him take SAT or ACt again but may be too late for Mays. 1340 is good and above average but most of the holistic review students have mid 1400s plus. There are always some exceptions tho.

Hang in there. My son did Econ first and changed to mays sophomore year. It can be done.


@FriscoDad Do you know how competitive the admissions are to Kinesiology - Motor Behavior? My son submitted 8/1 from an unranking school - AIS has him at top quartile - strong ECs, student gov, multiple varsity sports, PT internship, essay on internship, but no scores… . Is there even a chance test opt?

I don’t know about that particular major, but generally, A&M admits to the university first - regardless of major.

Once admitted, TAMU assigns a major and if he doesn’t get one of his top two choices (because kids admitted earlier took up all the spots in his major), then A&M will send him a list of available majors.

So if Kinesiology - Motor Behavior is a very popular major, then he will have a lower shot of getting it b/c the kids admitted earlier will take the spots before your son gets in. Except for business/Mays (which fills up with auto-admits quickly) and engineering (which is holistic review for all), at TAMU, it isn’t really a matter of the major being “competitive” - it is more a matter of the major being “popular” or a major being “small.”

That was a long way to say that if there are any spots available in KINE at the time he gains admission, he’ll get it.

Sounds like your son has a decent chance at admission to TAMU, but he is unlikely to hear early. My nephew had similar stats to your son and did not submit his SAT last year. He was accepted in late January/early February to College Station in the Statistics major. It was his top choice major, but it was not very popular, so there were spots left when he (finally) heard back.


Any idea if more Mays students will start being admitted after the new business school renovation? A girl can dream!!! :slight_smile:


Thank you!

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@Lavalocks19 probably…but honestly I hope not too many. Mays is so great/unique now-filled with top/driven kids, small enough that professors know their students, good advising, highly regarded/reputation.

The expansion is WAY overdue! It’s crystal clear all the $$ is poured into Engineering complex. Poor Wehner has to be one of the ugliest exterior buildings. Even a simple power-washing would help!


Hey Guys! I submitted and TAMU assigned me first quartile, should I submit it my 1300 SAT? For reference, I am applying to Political Science (1st)/Economics (2nd).

@FriscoDad Hello, can you please tell me what the numbers look like for Kinesiology holistic review students? TIA

I’m not FriscoDad but I think all admissions numbers can be found online: https://accountability.tamu.edu/All-Metrics/Mixed-Metrics/Applied,-Admitted,-Enrolled

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Kinesiology is quite competitive. For non-auto, admission rate is around 23%. What is the second choice major?
As others stated, TAMU admits student first if the desire major is full. Good Luck!

For holistic quite competitive for Kinesiology.



A 1300 is 50/50. My daughter submitted a 1320 and was assigned top 25% last year and got accepted, so it definitely didn’t hurt her. Some folks will say that you should only submit 1350+. Others 1360+. Others 1400+ - esp. if engineering. But to me, 1300 is a great score and it won’t hurt you. (My niece accidentally sent her 1120 and her counselor said it was fine.) So I’d send it. But you’ll get conflicting advice, I’m sure.

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I would totally submit 1300 plus scores.