Texas A&M Class of 2028 Official Thread

I applied to mays back in the second week of august.

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I applied to bims early august. Hopefully we hear soon!!

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Ok, y’all! Kiddo finally has been accepted to TAMU on auto-admit. It now shows engineering review. How long does it generally take to hear backs regarding this?

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@YakkityYak congrats!
Here’s the timeline @jimdlt1 posted earlier today, his son is also General Engineering.


Slight off topic, but need some guidance to plan for our 2024 June/July schedule. If a student gets admitted at TAMU, will there be any event you (student or parent) must be physically present at TAMU before July 15th ?

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@braintop student must attend an NSC (New Student Conference) and most students bring at least 1 parent with them (not required, but very helpful & informative).
There is an August NSC, but it’s days before school starts, and current students can also do add/drops at the same time, so class sections can be limited.
You’d have to Google NSC session dates, to see when the July sessions are; and each NSC is specific to certain majors.

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  1. FIrst Event - New Student Conference (NSC) Mandatory for Students, Optional for Parents, is a 2 Day event during pretty much all of June into early July, You sign up for NSC once you accept admittance. NSC runs a Mon/Tues, Wed/Thurs, or a Thurs/Fri Sked. We chose June 20/21 and will fly in the night of the 19th and fly out on Sat the 22nd. Student and One Parent is $225 and we paid the extra $55 for the second parent.

  2. The Second Event is Fish Camp - 2 Day event with dates in mid to late July, but the dates are not released yet. This is voluntary New Students Only, run by upperclassmen. Our son has not made a decision on attending yet.

  3. Third Event - Dorm Move-In - Exact Dates TBD but First Day of School is Wed Aug 21 2024 so Move-In should be the week of Aug 12-16 based on Dorm specific assignments. Only a few Hotel rooms left regardless of the brand.

  4. Fourth Event - Opening Day Football Labor Day Weekend vs. Notre Dame. Aug 31st and YES we already have our hotel and it may be difficult to get a room. Game weekends sell out a year in advance.

I hope this all helps.

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Are there any new Aggies yet or have portals been quiet?

Thank you @52AG82 and @jimdlt1
I could not find a 2024 schedule anywhere but I found a 2023 schedule here https://newaggie.tamu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/2023-NSC-Calendar.pdf

So, it appears it runs through entire June and July for new freshman. Is there any (dis)advantage in choosing an earlier session or a later session ?

@braintop ALL sessions open up new seats, except for August NSC. I would avoid that one, unless it’s the only session that works out.
My Aggie chose to do mid July NSC…got every class she wanted and registered in under 3 minutes.
Earliest session is guaranteed to be hectic and chaotic, you can count on systems to crash, and they’re super crowded. It is nice to get it out of the way tho, but definitely wait until they have fully graduated, done with high school.
It’ll be hot in late May-August, so weather will be the same.
But to be fair, seats are opened at every NSC, so the first session doesn’t have the ‘edge’ over July sessions. But August will be limited.
Not every major is offered at every NSC, so you definitely have to take that into consideration.

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Super helpful. Thanks @52AG82

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Also if your kid is taking AP exams that the credit is going to be important for their freshman classes, you might want to wait for an NSC date after those scores come in. I have a D23 who also registered very quickly and efficiently at her NSC last summer. You’ll hear terrible stories on Facebook about NSCs but remember, A&M registers thousands of freshmen every year. Those stories are the exceptions to the rule, IMO.


AP Scores from May 6-17 2024 Period are released July 5, 2024, between 7-8am Eastern.
However, for NEW College of ENGINEERING Students ONLY (My Son) regardless of AP Score for any Calculus or Physics the CoE Dept requires taking them at A&M College Level. AP Chemistry or Duel Enrollments can be applied to Freshman year CoE students and others.
That’s why we grabbed an earlier NSC date because it doesn’t matter for us.

Is that a new policy beginning next Fall? I know as of this fall, they gave credit for AP Calc and Physics (Mechanics and E&M). Here is a link to TAMU College of Engineering showing accepted AP credits, which include Calculus and Physics.


This is old policy. Students can claim the AP credits (non-reversible) in Howdy.

But don’t claim all of them right away. You can wait till end of Freshmen. Sometimes one needs to take those at TAMU to have a balanced course schedule instead of all engineering classes. And some need easier classes to keep GPA for grants and scholarship.

TAMU engineering is not easy reaching Junior and Senior year.


Should have clarified AP Calculus will give you credit for MATH 151 or 152 Engineering Mathematics NOT MATH 171 Calculus I. Math 151 or 152 are prereqs for 171.

got it, thanks! MATH 171 is not a required course for General Engineering so we aren’t too concerned with that course. MATH 151 and 152 are not prereqs for MATH 171, MATH 150 is. According to the catalog, " MATH 171 Calculus I

Credits 4. 4 Lecture Hours. Vectors, functions, limits, derivatives, Mean Value Theorem, applications of derivatives, integrals, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Designed to be more demanding than MATH 151. Only one of the following will satisfy the requirements for a degree: MATH 131, MATH 142, MATH 147, MATH 151, or MATH 171. Prerequisite: MATH 150 or equivalent or acceptable score on TAMU Math Placement Exam.

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Might be beneficial for Engineering majors to chose an earlier NSC.

  1. If their MPE score is not high enough to start in calc 1 (and chemistry, I think) yet they really want to start in calc 1 (and chem107), in the past, tamu has offered an online class in the summer to negate the low MPE score, thus allowing the student to register in august for calc 1 and chem in the fall. So, if NSC is late in the summer, this option might not be available

  2. In the past, there is "homework’ for chem107, given over the summer, to get everyone on the same page. The earlier one registers, the more time to get this done. It can be substantial since the student has to correctly answer questions before proceeding

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The summer homework for Chem 107 might be true for certain professors. I can’t speak for every section, but my current freshman is in Chem 107 and never had any summer homework from the professor.

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Yes, either its not a thing anymore or just certain profs, thanks. My oldest had Dr Brown, with summer homework. Two years ago, two others had summer work but dont know the profs.

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