Texas A&M Corpus Christi-Honors Program

I am currently a junior in high school and am ranked 151/891 with a 3.78 gpa, and I have an SAT score of a 1570 with an ACT score of a 23
I also have taken many AP and pre-ap classes, and have been heavily involved in extracurricular activities all throughout high school.
Yearbook for 3 years, 2 have been as an editor
Key Club for 3 years (volunteering organization) have held an officer position for all 3 years
FFA- for 2 years
I also have a job at a veterinary clinic
I am interested in majoring in either biomedical or animal science.
My schedule for my senior year is

  1. English IV-dual credit
    2.Government-dual credit
    3.Ecomonics-pre AP
    4.Statistics AP
  2. Biology AP
  3. Anatomy pre AP
    7.Vetertinary science lab class

I want to know what my chances are for getting in, and especially into the honors program.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

You are in top quarter. Their website says top quarter (but not top 10 percent) need a 19 on the ACT or a 900 CR+M. You meet auto admit so getting in does not seem to be a problem. They are not very specific about requirements for honors from what I see. Maybe over the phone or on a tour you can ask specifics?

I go to TAMUCC for dual enrollment, I would say that you should easily get into the honors program, it’s not competitive.

@BlakeGrhymes. Do you like TAMUCC? If you could give me insight on what the campus is like I would really appreciate it! :slight_smile:

@LizLiz7631 The campus is pretty small, all of your classes are less than half a mile from each other. All of the on campus housing is located in one area which classes are located in the other area. The classes are pretty easy and for the most part are small, I think my largest class had 120 students. Professors have much more time to meet individually with students and will go out of their way to make appointments with them.

My biggest complain are the TA’s that run the science labs. I took 3 chemistry classes and every single one of them had a lab instructor that wasn’t even a chemistry major, most were computer science majors. They were generally unhelpful but end up giving you good grades on your lab reports because they don’t know what they’re doing. I do have a Biology lab instructor that’s a Ph.D student but is very anal about everything.

There is generally something going on around campus that you can join in on, last week they had the big inflatable hamster balls out where students could run around in. Most fun I’ve had all year.

In short:
Professors care about their students and have much more time to interact with them.
Classes are small.
I would say 2/3 of your classes will give you extra credit opportunities. For example last year I took an economics class where the professor gave us a 10 question quiz for 10% added to our final grade. I ended the class with a 107 average.
Lab Instructors suck for the most part.
Campus is small, can easily walk to all of your classes.
Spring Break is crazy in Corpus Christi.
Something new is always being built on campus.
People are pretty friendly. I will point out that you will find someone in every class that doesn’t care about their education at all. Don’t hang around these people.