texas a&m mays/ SMU cox business transfer, birthday question (:

<p>Hey Ya'll!
So I applied to A&M as a high school, and I wasn't offered immediate admission, but instead given the offer to apply for blinn team, which i ultimsately didn't end up getting. So, I went to Austin Community College, and am now looking to re-apply and transfer to a&m in the fafll of 2012. At the end of this semester, i will have a 3.0, and by the end of this spring semester, I will have between at 3.5 and a 3.67 gpa. I took the SATS as a junior in HS, and got a 1080 between the two sections. I never took the ACT, but I kind of want to now, and so I am signed up to take them in the next 2 months. If I get above a 25, around a 26/27, do you think i'll have a chance for the business school? After this semster, i would have taken all of the required prereqs, excluding the 2 calc. classes, I will take one of the calcs in the spring, and the final during the summer. Do I have a chance at getting in, or am I wasting my time :(( If i can't get into A&M, i'd like to go to SMU instead, do I have a chance there??? Help, please</p>

<p>I looked at both of these programs when I was transferring last year. I ended up getting accepted to TAMU and I ran full speed to accept my addmissions offer. For Mays, the acceptance rate is usually 75 out of ~650 kids and they only accept admissions for the fall. With a 3.5 GPA and the willingness to pay the highest tuition in Texas, you should get into Cox.</p>

<p>Mays is essentially the second best business school in the state, but maybe the best for job prospects. Cox is still good, for some reason I think they have a better national reputation than they do just inside Texas. Lots of offers and opportunities in the Dallas, Arlington, Ft. Worth area…</p>

<p>Once you are a transfer student, ACTs and SATs no longer matter. Have you taken the management 211 class that TAMU likes for applicants to have completed? Business for both TAMU and SMU do not require two calculus classes. They require a business math and then a business cal. Having both maths completed by the time you apply is really important to both programs unfortunately. I was rejected the first time to A&M because despite a 3.86 GPR, they didn’t like that I hadn’t completed Math 1325 or the Business Law course. I was accepted to SMU fairly quickly if I remember right. Sadly, and I know this sucks, I’ve been rejected twice to A&M before being accepted. I don’t think you would get into A&M; a sub-3.6, not having the two math courses and not coming from another universtiy. On the other hand, if you do well in the math courses, I think you would be good at SMU which is really an accomplishment. They are D-1A and have a ranked program. That being said, take what I say with a grain of salt and apply to both for sure.</p>