I am currently at Austin community college looking to transfer into either TAMU or UT. I know my chances at TAMU are pretty high so im more than likely going to get accepted (I know nothing is certain). I am going to apply to UT as well and given that I get accepted to both, which should I choose. I know UT is known for being the best in everything but TAMU puts a lot of emphasis on their research programs for pure science. My current physics professor told me about how the professors at TAMU would be more in it for the students rather than their own research as UT’s professors might be. I plan on going to grad school as well so UT could always be an option later. I also am not sure how I feel about going to school in a college town with little to nothing of interest to me. Which school do you guys think I should go to?
The acceptance results should decide for you. If you get into both, it really comes down to preference and culture. No two schools could be more different than UT and A&M. UT is an Austin metropolitan liberal vibe. A&M has a conservative southern Texas vibe where everyone says “howdy.”
I sense that you are leaning toward UT, which is fine, but you can visit A&M to help you make your decision. A&M has an Physics Festival in April where you could talk to students and get a feel for the culture and programs. Both are great schools for whatever you decide.