Texas A&M Scholarships/Decisions

@Ptownrunner Out of state student admitted to Engineering (petroleum preference) here as well,
1910 SAT (1320 composite), Rank 7/221, 3.725 unweighted.
Varsity Tennis (Captain, 1’st singles for 3 years), Track, Chess, Math League, A couple academic awards & various volunteering/self employment.

I’ve gotten exactly jack shit lol. My MyFinancialAid Awards tab is quite empty.

So there’s my perspective. I don’t know how their scholarship process works/when they stop giving out scholarships but I’m guessing my outlook for TAMU isn’t so good if you’ve already been offered scholarships and I haven’t heard anything. If something changes I’ll update, and I’d love to go to TAMU, but LSU PETE is offering me in-state plus $1.5k additional/year (and I could potentially go in with 24 credits). Step ya game up A&M, I can’t afford OOS tuition.

@Ptownrunner in the same boat. I haven’t received anything. Need OOS tuition waived!

are there specific dates for merit and need based scholarships and grants?

I am awaiting a lifeline, oos tuition waiver also…

Update: General scholarship office has awarded ALL scholarships. They basically told me that I was shit outta luck and I wasn’t well rounded enough to get one. They didn’t know anything about department scholarships but I’ll be calling the ENGR dept. today to ask them as well.

Corps offered me $1200/yr + waiver, but that seems pretty low to me considering how much of a commitment the corps is. That’s just not the kind of control I need in my life. Heck, LSU gave me more for my SATs alone.

Anyway, that’s my situation, my stats are listed in another comment above for anyone wondering. I’ll probably edit this once I talk to the ENGR contact. From the info I have now, it doesn’t seem likely that I’ll be coming down to A&M next year unfortunately.

What about departmental scholarships, such as engineering? And also competitive scholarships?

@fireonmytoast Having your OOS tuition waived is a low offer? I’ve read other students comment (or complain) that they weren’t offered lots of merit along with their OOS tuition waiver. I don’t get it. It sounds like a few students expect tons of money handed out to them because it’s their right to an education. We’ve ALL worked hard but great universities can’t give it all away to their great student body because then it would be called FREE tuition. If another school grants you an affordable tuition rate, then go there. I would love to receive your “low” offer that waives OOS tuition… and my stats are higher than yours.

What’s wrong with you

In-state, white, admitted to Engineering. ACT 33 (math 35, reading 36). No scholarships.

Same here. Engineering, Act 33, OOS, No scholarship for tuition waiver.

@niccidoe You misunderstand me. Having my OOS tuition waived for being a “good student” with no strings attached would be a fantastic offer, I’d take that in a heartbeat, but that’s not what’s on the table. What’s on the table is (essentially) just having the OOS cost waived in return for me participating in what looks to be a quite intensive ROTC program that would have a lot more control over my life than I’d want to give up. That’s NOT a good offer. The Corps looks a lot like a full time job, and for that I’d want compensation past having my tuition lowered to the normal rate for all the Texans. If you wanted my offer, all you had to do was send an email to the Corps, if you had stats higher than mine they’d have LOVED to have you. I don’t care if you think that I’m acting entitled, but I’d still be paying more than my state school or the same program at LSU (LSU is willing to waive my OOS tuition + $1.5k with no strings attached) but then I’d also have a HUGE commitment outside of the classroom. I have no interest in joining the military.

A&M is my favorite school because of the location and Engineering program. I want to go to learn obviously, but I also want to have some fun and enjoy living on my own, which the Corps would absolutely strip from me. If they were in a position where they’d give me some significant savings, I’d consider sucking it up and playing ball, but they aren’t. I’d still be paying around $30k a year.

As an update, after a quick phone call, I’ve learned that the ENGR dept. scholarship decisions are not being released until end of march/early april.

@fireonmytoast The Corps did call me (as I’m sure they did everyone before decisions were posted); however, I didn’t want to join. And I’m also not complaining that I didn’t get any scholarships from TAMU with or without strings attached. I now understand why you’re not content, but if COA is a concern, you no doubt have a tough decision since you want to be an Aggie. There will always be strings attached — or least some reasonable expectation like keeping your gpa high or hearing the bugle sound at the crack of dawn. If you want it that bad, then you’ll make the sacrifice if it’s really important to you.

Make the sacrifice fireonmytoast! There are lots of students, who got denied, who wanted to be in the Corps.

COE departmental scholarship decisions should be announced within the week per an email response received today.

@WeSayWarEagle Nice, took them long enough. Best of luck to everyone still waiting! I’m supposed to sign up for classes elsewhere at the end of the week, so hopefully if I get one of these I don’t have to do that lol.

@flamingtoast, same here. S supposed to sign up on April 11 elsewhere, right in the midst of when other uni’s announce general & departmental. I did contact the “elsewhere” school and asked if S was locked in when others haven’t released all their awards. Fortunately, I was told not to worry, that May 1 was the latest date to accept offer. Released a bit of stress with the wind down of decision time. GOOD LUCK to all, may you land well! If you did your home work, even your safeties should prepare you for a bright future.

My D is waiting for Ivy decisions but have to say TAMU has done a fabulous job of presenting themselves. She has been admitted as an out of state CE/CS major in the honors program and the faculty and staff has been great to work with. TAMU was not even on her radar until we started looking at Public University Honors programs and the perks and $$ they are offering to her are going to make an Ivy school hard to beat. We can afford it (wincing as I type that) but we are all thinking WHY??? Save that $$ for graduate school and graduate debt free. (Plus Honors students register for classes FIRST!!..yes, even before athletes) If there are any parents of future STEM Ds out there, put TAMU on your short list to look at. They have an initiative to increase their % of female enrollment. She has been admitted to UT-Austin and U of IL, no merit $$. They are off the list of consideration.

@Tryn2keepup Can you please post your Daughters stats? and about how much award she won?

STEM female. Admitted to University Honors. Received $20,000 in loans and the rest in scholarships with an EFC of $6400. I’ll just wait on Ivy decisions and see what I can do about my A&M aid package because it’s certainly not affordable for me at the moment.

@WeSayWarEagle you tagged the wrong person haha, flamingtoast is my username everywhere basically, but someone took it on here! Thanks for the kind words. For the record, I’d be perfectly happy at my “elsewhere” school, it’s just a slightly worse option as it’s a tad more restrictive (locked into my major by the ACM) and the weather’s a bit worse. I think I’d fit in well at A&M, but OOS tuition is a real killer. I’ve emailed the Dept. as well so hopefully I can get something more concrete out of them than “this week.”

Engineering scholarships are out, I got an email.

The email basically said “you’re shit outta luck,” but hopefully some of you guys got something!

I’ll be committing to LSU tonight, :v: A&Mers, you guys seem pretty chill.

Does anybody know how many $1,000 or more scholarships that waive out of state tuition are given out on a yearly basis? Haven’t seen any other school come close to that and certainly not with the reputation of the Aggies.