Texas A&M Transfer Spring 2019

I am looking to transfer into the College of Liberal Arts to obtain my BS in psychology. At the end of summer semester, I will have 35 transfer credits with a GPA of 3.68. I had trouble with remedial math and passed on the 3rd attempt and got a C in college algebra yet received an A in 1324, one of the transfer course requirements. I have a wonderful letter of recommendation from an Alumi, I am part of the PTK honors program, and I have a well written essay. What do y’all think my chances are? Did I hurt my own chances at admission with the remedial math course? Please help! Thank you.

Hi! I’ve applied to the college of Agriculture for Communications and Journalism. I’m coming from Blinn-Bryan with a 3.154 GPA and 39 hours (60 hrs come January 2019).
I am a Student Ambassador for Blinn (13hrs/week), I have an on-campus job in communications (19hrs/week), I was Ambassador for the Fine Arts department (4hrs/week), I have two letters of recommendation from people with clout to their name at Blinn. I have all of the required coursework completed, my GPA is above the 2.5 minimum. My essay was about what I wanted to do in the future and how this major would be beneficial for me. I have been published by Blinn for academic and art achievement.
I was also EIC (Editor-in-Chief) of my high school yearbook my junior and senior year, and I am also interning for Balfour (yearbooks, class rings) this July.
Do I have any other AGJC major out there?? How does my app look so far?
Best of luck ya’ll!!

Update: I got my UIN number this morning! It only took two days. I was able to successfully upload my essay, letters of rec, and meningitis proof. I hate that they keep ACT scores from high school as I was not the hottest on my grades then.
Let me know if you received your UIN as well!

@AggieDDS03 I would not worry about the math hurting you. I think you have a strong shot at admission into TAMU. For transfer students, it’s all about the essay and showing passion for what you want to do with your degree from A&M and what you can contribute to the University. Sell yourself. I would also recommend anyone applying to transfer, that you meet with an advisor in the department. Use their name in the essay… “When I met with Blah Blah and discussed coming to TAMU, I am confident this degree. etc etc.” It shows more than just interest, but that you spent the time to engage with the actual department.

@sullyboy87 Your GPA is kind of low (even though way above the minimum) but your credentials are awesome and really do show your head and heart are in the right major. I think you also have a strong shot!!

Hey everyone, I’m currently a student at Texas state majoring in Economics. I am trying to transfer to the liberal arts school to get a B.S. in Econ. As of now I have a 3.65 GPA and 32 transferable hours completed. I have two letters of rec, an officer position for a sports club, and am a member of honors college. I’m hoping to get my acceptance as soon as possible since I will have to find a subleaser for my current apartment and somewhere to stay in college station. I was wondering if anyone had any feedback or idea of where I stand?