Texas A&M University Class of 2026

@Belk take a lot of parent posts with a HUGE grain of salt. Most complaining are total helicopter parents who have done everything for their kids, their kids came from smaller schools that weren’t near as competitive, etc.
They are parents who try to help their kids find classes (via Grade Distribution, RateMyProfessor), email professors and advisors (btw-who won’t talk to parents, so don’t even try). And they check their students Howdy…just NO! This is not your job.
Your student is the adult once they get to college. Your student needs to be researching classes, speaking to advisor, attending class daily, making their own friends. I am FLOORED at the parents who openly post about trying to find friends for their kids, asking if their kid can sit with someone at games, asking what clubs their kid can join.
There was even a post recently by a parent telling them to remind their student to write thank you notes for required scholarships by a deadline. That is the student responsibility!! (It got ppl all stirred up. Not every Scholarship requires the official thank you-but it is crystal clear if they should-then a long rant by some who have lost their scholarship because they didn’t write the thank you. Parents whining that it wasn’t fair, blah blah. Don’t be that parent).
Set your student up for success…let them have their college experience! Send your student off to college with maturity, organization, independence and confidence! Don’t be a :helicopter: :helicopter: parent…
Rant over :joy::joy:

*A&M is truly a wonderful school, all 70k of them. Yes it is huge, but encourage your kid to get plugged in right away with clubs, orgs, church, major specific group, intramurals…something! It makes all the difference!
And remind them that EVERYTHING is competitive, and that includes joining orgs & Flo’s. Just keep trying, being a part of a smaller group is key!


@52AG82 , completely agree with you on helicopter parenting but not all parents who care about their children’s grades, majors, friends they keep etc. are helicoptering their children. You can raise an independent and responsible child by being involved at least until they finish college. As a parent, you have to know when to pull the leash and when to let go.


Yup. Authoritative vs Authoritarian.


@ALN absolutely! I agree :100:! Trust me, I am a super involved parent-on the sorority parent board, know most of my kids friends, etc.
I’m saying it is primarily those that post about issues are the :helicopter:. They’re the ones who complain that advisors won’t speak to them, they get on and ask “my freshman doesn’t know who their RA is”, can’t use Google or TAMU website to find the academic calendar & tuition calendar.
There is a fine line, for sure! And the majority of parents and students are THRIVING!
Encouragement, healthy participation, promoting independence and lots of prayer goes a long way!


Sorry this is sort of off-topic to the current one, but I was wondering if anyone knew if A&M holds decisions till the end of the week or they release as they get? I’m not sure because it seems like they hold decisions till Friday but in my meeting with the counselor back in October he said they send right away so I’m not exactly sure and it doesn’t sat online. I mainly wanna know because I’m going crazy and checking my AIS like 20 times a day :sweat_smile:

Haha! I saw parents posted in facebook looking for tutors in College Station for their college “kids” A&M Calculus classes. They still treat their grown up adults like middle schoolers.


Yes, definitely lots of problems posted on facebook, but for every problem, there is 100s, 1000s? who are not having a problem - they just don’t post on fb.


@PlanoAggies , honestly, what is wrong with trying to help your child look for a tutor ? I would love it if my son tells me he’s struggling and might need some extra help than being stressed and dropping classes. Every parent is different, every parenting is different. We were all raised differently so why are we so judgmental? Maybe the child has anxiety issues ? maybe they cannot handle stress like most kids do. We don’t know the kid or the parent and why are we mocking them?


I think it is close to impossible.

see below, just the Fall semester, there are loads of VIST courses, how can a transfer with only Math and Physics catch up? (Obviously that may mean delayed graduation)



I just cut and paste… I said nothing about it being easy. I said I didn’t know how competitive… but I did know that it’s a small major/college. As for being close to impossible… depends on the student. Arts 115 may be open to all majors. three of those classes are 1 credit. The only real catchup would be Principles of Design 1.

There is nothing wrong with helping your college students. It is the approach @52AG82 referring. There are many resources listed in NSC besides reaching out to TA of the class.
In a semester or so, there will be classes parents can no longer finding “inside tracks” from social network.


Yes, just need to know if there is a way to catch up when transferring as sophomore. Or the key to gain transfer is stating clearly in application that the student has financial means to complete degree with extra semesters.


Any time you change majors there is a chance of losing hours (non transfer to school or just not applicable to major). So there’s no definitive answer to that.

And remember there are minimum 40 credit hours required by the university for all majors so if you’re going to change, focus on getting those done along side the required math & physics

@D_B2, admission notices have appeared on days other than Fridays.

If I recall correctly, you’re a 2nd quartile student who applied to Engineering on Oct. 15, and you withheld sending your 31 ACT, as directed by your non-school counselor and parents. So did you ever send in that ACT score?

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Got it, thanks! And that’s correct but unfortunately my parents were still against sending in my score (I showed them the forum and data) so I wasn’t able to send it in and I’m just praying for the best now but I did appreciate all the help.


Strange as 31 is a decent score unless you have very low math and science scores. Do you have AP Physics and AP Chem?

But from the only test optional year experience (last year), you should only expect late January to March decisions unless you are auto-admit.


I do I’m taking AP Physics but I will be taking that this year, however, I did send in my AP CSP score I believe. A&M has access to the score in AP CSP (class and AP) as well as the following AP and Honors Classes:

  • AP Calc AB - A (both semesters)
  • Physics Honors - B (1st semester) & A (second semester)
  • AP CSP - A+ (both semesters)
  • 2 other CS classes from outside colleges with an A
  • AP Physics 1 (this year)
  • AP Stats (this year)

I have other AP/honor classes, however, they are in language and English.

That’s good, unfortunately admission won’t consider grades in HS senior year.

If you check ETAM degree plan in TAMU, all general engineering freshmen are required to take CALC, CHEM and PHY. So unless you are gearing for Biomedical/Bio engineering (which they will look for BIO classes), TAMU prefer seeing Calculus (you have it), CHEM and PHY (you have it but a B) in your transcript before senior year for holistic review.

It appears you have a lot of programming classes, if there is any professional certification (especially PCEP/PCAP) you can upload via AIS before December 15th.

To be honest full admit is not likely, submitting ACT scores will increase the chance but likely Blinn TEAM. If you get Blinn TEAM offer in Jan/Feb it is a very great option.

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I hope I get Blinn! Physics shows a B and an A cause it was junior year and I’ve uploaded all of the professional certificates before October 15th so everything on that end is also good to go.

Also I forgot to add but I did Chem Honors in Sophomore year and got an A+ and the same with Bio Honors but a B+ if that helps