Texas A&M University Class of 2026

Thank you!

I called Tuesday and was told they are not full. I am on the waitlist and consideration for Blinn. Are you?

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I’ll breathe…
I think the 2nd qtr frustrates me, as I am literally 27th%. AND I don’t quite understand why colleges look at rank anymore with the number of issues HS has with systemic cheating these days. I mean…we have an outside tutor kids pay to get tests from…they are in top quarter, great GPA…SAT/ACT really bad BUT they don’t submit it. AARGH. Makes kids want to go that route. Makes ME almost wish I had gone that route.

Anyway. I’ll wait. Still no changes as of 7:25AM

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Good morning. I am wondering if anyone here has experience with a kid doing PSA for Biology or Chemistry at A&M Corpus Christi. We still haven’t heard yet (still BlinnTEAM Considered and Waitlisted), but I want to be knowledgeable and prepared for the possibility. I was reading this morning about Corpus and it seems like a nice campus. (Also, I did not see Bio listed as a major you can do PSA from. It looks like Chemistry you can do, but Bio isn’t listed on the PSA page.)

I know a few people who are at Corpus and LOVE the campus. Says professors are super helpful and it’s more of a personal feel. Can’t speak about the PSA experience though…just the campus itself.

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That is really frustrating. The cream will always rise to the top tho.

Sadly cheating continues into college. And then there’s the whole athlete getting by with doing very little thing as well. It’s a life crisis that j don’t ever see correcting itself. All we can do is do the right wrong and be able to look in the mirror without regret.


@ChristiR93 , cheating in HS during Covid when some students that opted to do remote learning suddenly went from not even being 2nd quarter to being top ten has cost dearly to students that opted to do in person . I tell my son, in the long run, you’ll benefit from being in class and not cheating. He went to school double masked during the peak of Covid and thereafter. He is frustrated when some of his friends that regularly got a C in Math and English have now gotten auto admit at TAMU :frowning:


Our school had those too. Remote learning and suddenly they’re moving up in ranking. Aggravating!


As I would tell my own kid, put that in a bubble and blow it away. You can’t control that and focus on your path. It will only make you bitter. Those are the kids that will struggle in college.


@ALN -I feel this!!

My son will be attending Engineering at Galveston. We are making a trip this month to scope things out (we are out of state and have only been to College Station). In the meantime, can anyone suggest some good threads for helpful info about TAMUG, TAMUG engineering, and especially housing options? Son is interested in TAMMAH, but finding insider info on Galveston campus hasn’t been easy. Thanks so much and good luck to all those still waiting for a decision.


@Curiousone26 join this FB group! They should be able to answer all questions and guide you! Be sure to answer all questions to join, or they won’t accept you.
Welcome to the Lone Star State!
*hopefully you’re not going to be on the Island during Mardi Gras. While it is super fun, it’s crazy crowded, not a ‘normal’ time to visit, at all…

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We have had that same issue here. Just about half of the kids at my daughter’s school did remote learning last year. My daughter was top 10% every semester until the end of last year, when she slipped just out of it. Her GPA went up, both weighted and unweighted, every semester. Her class size also dropped by about 100 kids, who I guess decided to do online school somewhere. So she ended up ranked 10.4% at the end of last year at one of the largest schools in the state, with a 1360 SAT, and is waiting on waitlist and/or TEAM. It is so frustrating to know that so many of the kids doing remote learning were cheating. They even talked about how easy it was to cheat. I know in the end she is better off for having done the work, but that doesn’t make it any easier to see her be so disappointed.


Hi there - my daughter got an acceptance letter in December (regular decision) but stating that her major was full and she needs to change major prior to accepting. Is this usual? I’m so confused . If there’s already a thread on this I apologize. I’ve been trying to find one .

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Very normal. Let’s assume you’re talking Mays correct?

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Yea Business was her first choice .

Thanks so much for the info about the FB group!
Also our trip is Feb 16-20 since it overlaps with a high school break and allows him to have a tour Friday the 18th. I had no idea about Mardi Gras but that probably explains the price I had to pay for the hotel! Thanks for the heads up- I’ll expect it to be more crowded than usual. I appreciate your help so much :slight_smile:

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Mays fills up in November typically or early December. If she didn’t have a 2nd choice major listed then they ask you to choose one. If she hasn’t done that already, it may be hard to find an open major.

Has she chosen? Please say yes.

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Yeah, Mardi Gras starts Friday, February 18. That would definitely explain hotel price. The campus itself won’t be affected by Mardi Gras stuff, but the traffic on the Island, roads closed and waits at restaurants will be a problem. Friday night & Saturday night will be the worst, during the day won’t be bad. Don’t attempt to leave the Island or come back from about 3:30 pm on, Friday or Saturday-the Galveston causeway (the huge bridge that gets you across the bay) will be bumper-to-bumper traffic. Only one way on & off the Island.

She was waiting for an answer from her first choice school so just did the major change yesterday. Very unclear if the ones that were listed were actually available or not. So we are in wait for confirm now. Ugh . Now I’m more nervous. Any suggestions appreciated!