Texas A&M University Class of 2026

Ooh for summer school for sure. My son did 9 hours last summer to a tune of $4600 :face_with_hand_over_mouth::grimacing:

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Our 6A is not supposed to send rank when outside of top 10% but my daughter still showed as 2nd quarter in AIS by TAMU. She sits at 40% at her high school with a 3.95 unweighted/4.8 weighted and has been taking advanced/AP classes but it is hard to believe she is 2nd quarter compared to all applicants outside of the bubble of her competitive school. We have had kids move out of our neighborhood with lower gpas get top 10% easily at nearby schools because their parents didn’t want them competing with kids heading to college as incoming sophomores at our high school with 4.0/5.8s. Anyhow, TAMU still got her ranking somehow even though the school wasn’t supposed to communicate it.

Agree. My daughter is already enrolled at our local community college since she did a lot of dual credit classes so it is easy enough for her to just continue to enroll there for any classes she chooses to do there instead of A&M. She is already planning on physics and Calc 2 to knock out her math and science requirement at CC online in the summer and be done. Physics this summer and Calc 2 next summer. It is about $200 per class.

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@martinezcs perfect! Especially since she’s already enrolled, registration will be seamless…and you can’t beat that price! As long as the student runs it past their advisor, makes sure it matches the course equivalency, there is absolutely no reason to take at Blinn, or any JuCo that charges huge fees.

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To put into perspective the first two tests of M151 were easier than the MPE. Many scoring 24 or fewer advisors will suggest taking M150 but 22 is the official cutoff. You have a point if one barely passes MPE, one should take M150. An extra semester is nothing compare to 40+ years of work life.

But many barely passed MPE, took M150, then M151, they still get an admirable 80+ (low B) in M151. While top students (mostly IB or AP Calculus BC students with score 5) will find M151 too easy, taking it mainly for boosting GPA.

Engineering first quartile senior as of Fall 2021 is 3.73. Assuming by the time they graduate this May the cutoff may be 3.70. Top 10% is close to 3.90

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I guess I just don’t believe that cheating is so rampant that it has a material impact on an individuals class rank other than a few kids here or there…. I guess the best way for it not to be an issue is to be in the top 8% so it’s not even close And the roll of the dice from holistic review can be avoided


It seems like they are pretty good at understanding where a kid ranks in a certain high school based on the grade point average even when it is not provided by the school

To be clear, I’m referring to straight transfer not supplemental courses during summer at blinn. I think @52ag82 misunderstood my intent.

Blinn is a great route for straight transfer. Meaning if you are NOT at Tamu, going to blinn and completing required courses is a great pathway. It’s no more expensive than going to Tamu or another university through psa. Blinn has a huge transfer success rate. And they get to start off in Aggieland.

That was my intent. Not that it’s cheap or should be used for summer courses. Although many do this if they have a year long lease.


Anyone considering the University of Arkansas as a back up? And then transfer to A&M?

@TXDad77 accepted to Walton Business School? Heck, that’s a great program! Why start someplace with the intention to transfer? UA campus is gorgeous, SEC, so many great outdoorsy things to do within miles of F’ville.

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Agree, Got admitted to Walton School Things happen for a reason, so blessed to have other opportunities.


Arkansas is my daughter’s second choice. She has automatic admission to the Honors College and has a much better shot of getting into their nursing school than TAMUs, so if she starts there, she wouldn’t likely transfer. She would rather go to TAMU, though.

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Yes. We’ve checked the course equivalency and degree plan. VIZ students often knock out calc and physics at CC since it is the highest math and science they do and then they are done with their math and science requirement. Unlike engineering or med students who have to move up to higher levels of math and science.

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Great, yes they are flexible on transferring majors and now with the Texas non-resident tuition agreement its basically the same cost as A&M. Heading up to Fayetteville to visit and see them play the University of Kentucky in basketball in a few weeks. A number of kids from school are strongly considering going there even though they got admitted to A&M.

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One of my favorite campuses and towns!!! I bet y’all love it.


We got $100 round trip tickets on Allegiant from Austin. Can’t drive to CS for that:-)


Thankful I found this thread! We are also over here freaking out as we haven’t heard anything from TAMU. Our son is interested in the Corps so I am also on a Facebook Corps page. The admin of the page said the University is trying to have all offers out by Aggieland Day. I assume he means all full offers. At least I hope so! Can anyone give info on which PSA schools you are likely to select from if you chose Health as your major and receive PSA? We are still praying for full, Team or Gateway. Just trying to plan ahead.

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Freshman Economics at A&M …cheating alive and well… those who cheat get most of the A’s and B’s those that don’t C’s and D’s so the Curve looks good… students buy test answers… and the kids doing the right do horrible…it’s sad…considering Aggies don’t lie cheat or steal… but…

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Thanks for that info.

Let’s not blanket that statement. It comes across offensive.

This next comment is directed for the thread And not you specifically.

The cheating discussion has gone on all day. I don’t think it’s helping anyone be positive. This convo happens about this time every year and I mean pre and post pandemic. There’s no reason to assume those that do well are cheating. It doesn’t look good on any of us to make blanket comments like that about students.

Life is life and it hasn’t changed since we were kids… it just looks different. Let’s focus on getting the best decision for the students still waiting and helping to focus on what we can control which are our thoughts and attitude.

Focus forward. All this said with love and hope for all of you.