Texas A&M University Class of 2026

This is almost identical for my daughter as well. She is in the top 25% per A&M but was one spot out of the top 10% for her class. After fall semester, she is in the top 10% but not able to update that with A&M. Accepted to all other schools and is still waiting on A&M. She did choose the waitlist/team option. Yesterday she was given an offer to play volleyball for a junior college with a scholarship. She has lots of things she needs to think through at this point. She’s always wanted to go to A&M but at what point do you stop putting everything on hold waiting on one university? It’s frustrating for sure!


Still waiting… (chose waitlist/Blinnteam)


@misterhemmings not on here, but multiple parents posting banner photos daily on the Aggie Parent FB pages. Most don’t mention major, but I’ve seen Engineering and Chemistry.


My daughter’s friend was admitted to Gateway this morning. She has never taken an AP or advanced class in all four years, makes A’s and B’s, plays soccer but has no other EC’s or volunteer or leadership, no job (does a LOT of partying), ranked third quarter. SAT was low, so she didn’t send it.

Wow. That is frustrating to learn after hearing about so many others that have done so much more with ECs and leadership (and performed so much better) but haven’t heard back yet.

That is rather frustrating. I’m just going to leave it at that.


@EllyBelly that is both shocking and frustrating. She must’ve had one heck of a compelling essay, and reference letters to support it.
Any idea what major? Hate to say it, but chances are high she’ll be on academic probation or fail out after freshman year…

My daughter played softball for junior college her freshman year (2017-18) - saved a ton of $$ doing that route. Took care of core classes there - once she made decision to hang up cleats at end of freshman year, she decided on major to transfer into and realized she needed more classes for the major she wanted to transfer into - took full load at another local junior college Summer & Fall 2018 while working 30+ hours - transferred successfully to TAMU Spring 2019. She graduated last May. :slight_smile: If A&M is where your daughter wants to go, there is always a way - just put it in front of you and work towards it.


Is she first generation college student or has she experienced any hardships growing up? I think they take that into consideration for Gateway. If she was able to explain her class choices and grades that could explain her offer.


Ageee @KeetsMom

That’s what I’m thinking too. I asked my daughter what her major is, but haven’t heard back yet. It’s so hard seeing all of these kids with high GPA’s, rank, test scores, ECs, leadership, jobs, etc that are on this board, waiting and wondering, while someone like this is getting the opportunity they have all worked so hard for.


@EllyBelly , This is exactly what college admissions have become these days. If your parents have college degree then you don’t qualify as first gen college, if your parents are professional and make a decent living ( not rich) , you don’t get economic hardship pass, if you are a decent kid, getting good grades, work hard but did not get a professional to write a compelling essay, you wait in line forever. Sadly, it is too late for us but we now know we needed to play some games to get our son to a college he would have loved to go.


Her family is upper middle class, no disabilities. I’m not sure if her parents went to college or not. My daughter has gone to school with her for years and there aren’t any apparent hardships, but I suppose there could be something no one is aware of. I’m happy for her to have this opportunity, just seems so unfair that kids who worked so much harder are being passed up.


I’m curious about those stating their child had “strong essays” and “had a professional write their essay.” My son did it all on his own. I don’t know if it was considered strong or not. I thought it was great, but he’s my son. He was just honest and told his story. Is there some inside scoop on having someone check over your essay before you turn it in to the application?


My kid would give anything for a Gateway offer or anything at this point. If you were offered something and don’t want it please say no asap so it might open up spots for the kids who will be grateful for whatever they get.


Same here. We didn’t have any professional help with the essay or app. My daughter did her own. After reading this board for a few years, I do not think A&M puts much weight on the essays.

I personally think it boils down to mostly class rank and test scores. If you are in the top quarter of your class and submit a good test score, you have a good chance. I think course rigor is another pretty big component.

I know they said test optional, but I honestly think that hurts you. Also selecting waitlist AND TEAM, seems to slow down your decision. If you’re good with TEAM, you should just jump on it. Some kids last year (I followed that whole thread) got PSA after selecting waitlist & TEAM, and they waited forever to hear it. It didn’t make sense. But I’m no expert, at all.

It’s unfortunate that all of this isn’t more widely known so people can be better prepared to apply and to also make a decision quickly if they are offered pathway choices. But just my thoughts. This is my second and youngest to apply to A&M so I’m glad it’s over!


Girl… you know I have tried to convey this exact thing about getting options and what to choose. I hate that people aren’t getting good info before the time comes. Hence my mission in life the past 5 years.

Everything you just said is spot on!


@KeetsMom , my son has 9 AP classes, scored 4s and few 3 ( all rigor APs, Chemistry, Math, Biology). Plays Varsity soccer, does not have a B in any of his courses. Wrote honest essays - , submitted SAT score, is 1st quarter in his class from a very competitive HS. When we met with the Math Department in the Fall of 2021 who went over his stats and was confident he would be in in the first wave. I know there are many kids in this group who have similar or far better stats have heard nothing from TAMU. So no not all great stats have gotten in. I stand by what I said, one has to know to play the game to get into a college of their choice.


I know of someone admitted with a 21 ACT and bottom half grades but they were going to walk onto a sport.

Perhaps it’s encouraging-- like, maybe it means our kids who are A’s and B’s (mostly A’s) with AP classes/ honors and service and 1190+ SAT will get Gateway too?