Texas A&M University Class of 2026

The tabs only populate around that time. Once you have tabs, then ais/howdy can update throughout the day.


As a note, when this occurred the acceptance letter was attached in the documents menu around the same time, well before it updated on the AIS screen.


Congrats to all who heard back today and yesterday! We still have not heard anything - BIO MAJOR… chose WAITLIST and BLINN TEAM


My kiddo is also still waiting. BIO Major - no option email


Curious - what were his stats?

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Curious what the stats are.

I don’t know if this has been asked but if you get Gateway can you request to be moved to Blinn?

Still waiting here. Waiting for ANY response.

Same. Haven’t heard one bit of communication.

Same. Engineering. Not one word

My son, who was put on WAITLIST and TEAM Consideration a few weeks ago and has heard nothing since then - has the following stats *since someone asked: BIOLOGY major; Private school doesn’t rank, but TAMU put him in top 25%. All honors and AP classes, GPA 3.7, SAT ‘test optional’ but scored 1190 (I think they can see his score because the SAT place submitted them but we still marked ‘optional’ in the App - he’s just not a good SAT test taker), Eagle Scout, leadership position in Scouts, Poetry Club, Red Cross Certified Lifeguard, mountaineer (climbed a 14-er), 100 + service hours, volunteer for homeless feeding orgs including Mobile Loaves and Fishes and Meals on Wheels; Orchestra - award winner, state; varsity athlete. Applied in August. Had NO IDEA that after being accepted to 5 other schools, A&M would still be keeping him in suspense.


Rank 1st quarter (16%)
3.8 UW
4.65 W
12 DCs classes, not hours
4 APs
4 years of Band with leadership positions the last 2 years
Worked 2 jobs
No documented service hours but lots of volunteer hours for Band (hope this isn’t hurting him)
He posted his ACT score but it was low - hoping this isn’t hurting him


What??? Explain the question please. Gateway is the BEST offer as far as pathways go. You would not nor could you ask to change to anything else. You’re full admit by fall!


This is almost my daughter to a T. Bio Major, GPA 3.8, 1st quarter, test optional, all AP/IB, community involvement, varsity and club sports. We haven’t even been offered TEAM or Waitlist. This all is just baffling to me.


My daughter’s is almost identical but test optional. Still nothing.


It’s not all about being full admit, but where you finish for us. First off she has received a Gateway offer. 2nd is the out of state cost and associated expenses. 3rd having to pay 14k+ additional for summer II classes. 4th we are trying to stretch the $$$ out over 4 years since only X amount can be used per year and that amount grows slightly each year as written in a fund left for her. Trying very hard not to take out additional loans to bridge years 1 & 2 short fall. By doing 2 years in the Blinn program it would all work out, less up front cost for the first 2 years and being able to bank the left over for years 3 & 4.


One way to perhaps help with expense is look into your local community college (usually less expensive) and see if there are non-major classes that could be taken in summer and transferred…English, History? Make sure they will transfer! Also, though, know that the grade transfers, but not factored into GPA…sometimes kids like to do class at A&M if they consider class “easier” and might help their GPA.

Totally get the mantra of it’s not where you start, it’s where you finish. BUT, you applied to an OOS school hoping for Blinn Team, and got the coveted Gateway program and are now thinking about the finances… that could be a bit of a rub for many on here that are wanting full admit and or of course gateway as well.

Why not just come here and do Blinn for 2 years then transfer to tamu as a junior. Or stay OOS for 2 years then transfer?

And that’s crazy about the $14k for summer session. That is rough!


Any new admits this morning?

Worth considering.

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