Texas A&M University Class of 2026

I’m glad this isn’t the case. I was a top 4% in my high school and scored sub 1000 on my SAT. Took zero AP classes. Came into TAMU like every other freshman, wide eyed and bushy tailed. Didn’t crush it til my junior year, but I worked hard and never dropeed below a 3.0 (Finance degree- a LONG time ago, lol).

This rule has been around forever. It’s not going anywhere. I do miss the academic admit rule tamu had in place. I thought that really leveled the playing field for those that go to super competitive schools to give them a chance at being guaranteed admissions.


@ChristiR93 , how is it fair when a kid high STATS gets through gateway ( attends summer classes, spends additional $$) when a rural kid who has not taken any AP, EC, SAT , ACT for whatever reason ( not offered, cannot afford, does not want to because they get in through auto admit anyway) gets in through auto admit in the Fall. How are these kids better prepared for the rigor when TAMU thinks high performing kids outside of top 10 % are not?


Agreed, I’m sad they did away with Academic Admit.


Noone said they were better prepared.

Look I get you are frustrated. I just feel your energy is misplaced. TAMU is competitive on everything. The 10% rule has been around since the dark ages. It’s not someting that you were unaware of and are now feeling misinformed. We all know what we’re getting when we apply to TAMU and UT. I had one get PSA and one get 2nd choice major instead of Mays. The PSA graduated early from TAMU (after transfer) got her masters in education and my senior is about to graduate from Mays.

Bottom line, focus on what you can do to get to where you want to be. That’s all a person can do.

Hang in there.


@ChristiR93 , I only have one and he has already accepted the offer from UTD ( although TAMU was his first choice) and I don’t have to deal with this anymore. I understand this has been around since the dark ages but it is unfair for future incoming students. Oh well !

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Man, lots of grievances about 10% rule today. I get it, my daughter falls into the trap too that we could’ve moved and she’d easily be top 10% in the school across the highway instead of feeling like an underachiever in a school where 33% have a 4.0 and top students graduate and enter college as sophomores. In the end, those who aren’t prepared and don’t make the most of their opportunity will have their lunch eaten. I was hearing Mays loses about 30% freshmen each year who can’t cut it and it makes room for other pathways to Mays. I know my daughter was disappointed that she worked hard in high school and didn’t get a direct offer. I think it’s been humbling to her and now she has something to prove because of that. It’s not always a bad thing when your kids don’t get what they want and are put in a place to earn it and prove they belong there if they want it that bad. It does build grit and she’ll need that throughout her life.


One thing to consider imo is this: I don’t believe the disadvantaged or rural kids are actually taking many auto admit spots at UT or TAMU because their class sizes for the most part are small. Who everyone should be “blaming” for taking holistic spots are the wealthier kids from big public suburban schools who are auto admits, apply to UT and TAMU and then don’t go. They are actually the ones who are “taking spots” from everyone.


I was really hoping to jump on here and see several offers received today… Anyone??:pray:


No changes for me. Was really thinking this would be the week. Looking more and more like a PSA offer, which I won’t take.

Agree with so many about top 10%/6% etc. - nothing we can do. UT is untouchable. A&M is quickly catching up. At least UT let me in on their decision at the end of January- and they receive just as many apps. Not entirely sure why admissions is much slower for A&M… maybe because they have more pathways? Just wish they’d release on a certain weekday each week.

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I think you nailed it on how UT is faster than TAMU on offers. UT only has CAP. If it had an ACC pathway like Team, I bet we would see fewer students go to tamu.


Nothing yet on our end.
Daughter is still waiting for a response to an email she sent admissions almost a month ago.
She thought they were being overwhelmed with phone calls and thought an email might be better.


I did the same early February because I didn’t want to be annoying. They took about 3-4 days to respond… this is odd that you haven’t received a response! But, if it’s like my response, it will be basic:

" According to our current records, your admission application is complete and in review.

Please continue to check your AIS portal for any updates or changes. Thank you for your patience."

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Anyone feel like this? :slightly_smiling_face:


So I finally spoke to someone in admissions. I asked if he could tell me if my daughters major was full. He told me no but that if it was she would’ve received a letter offering her other majors. I then asked if he could give me a timeframe as to when TAMU would let prospective students know and all he could tell me was by mid-March. I can’t believe how long this process takes for them when all 5 other schools she applied too with 4/5 being OOS found ways to let her know.


I agree with everyone here who says submit test scores. However, I want to point out that the TEST OPTIONAL was sold to a lot of kids. It was stated very clearly in all the fine print by TAMU in their applications (as well as told verbally to us by our A&M Representative at high school) that SAT and ACT would not ‘HURT’ you no matter what, only can help you. So if you had a low score, they said ‘IT WILL NOT HURT YOU.’ What others have said here, repeatedly, is ‘your son’s lower SAT score is hurting him’ (almost direct quote). So - was A&M lying or what?


ZERO changes today on my son’s AIS/ Howdy. Still Under COnsideration for TEAM and Waitlisted. Zero changes in 3+ weeks. Bio Major, but you all probably know that by now :slight_smile:


Clearly everyone here is waiting to hear from TAMU. Yes there is some stress involved but can we keep it classy and stay out of the ditch?


TAMU was not lying. They put in the score. If it bumps the applicant favorably, then it stays, if it doesn’t, it’s removed. No harm no foul.


Good to hear. Definitely – some others in this thread have said ‘that score is hurting you’’ ( even though my son did test optional he told the SAT to send his scores, so A&M has those scores on file yet his app was ‘test optional’. ) When I explained that here, people were like “oh well that’s why, thats definitely hurting him.”

I wondered if anyone else is in the same dilemma: My son has a huge scholarship to Colorado State in Fort Collins, as well as even bigger scholarship to Abilene Christian. The CSU scholarship offer will expire next week. We don’t know what to do here. A&M needs to please, please tell us what their decision is. (He is WAITLIST and TEAM)

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