Texas A&M University Class of 2026

So agree with your statement. My experience is non-engineering. Wish my daughters’ school (one is at A&M and one is at Tech) had stressed this and wish A&M had stressed this more at the various events. Did hear A&M say there is a way to be an Aggie if you really want it, but do not hear them say that direct into CS is unlikely if you are not top 10% and then really unlikely if you are not top 25% with good test score. Think that statement said over and over might help kids/parents start thinking about option B and C sooner.


Yes, but how much do clubs and awards, and service, weight?

Straight from Admissions page. They do look/take into consideration extracurriculars, leadership, jobs held, etc. I’ve seen a breakdown of importance , let me try to find it…

While I understand your frustration and agree that parents/students should clearly understand this from the get-go, I do not agree that it’s the University’s responsibility to make such a blanket statement.

Sure, statistically, someone not auto-admit or outside of top quartile will have an uphill battle, but for someone in an official position to say that it’s “unlikely” or “really unlikely” is unnecessarily negative. Why deter someone with slightly above average grades but outstanding extracurricular, leadership, community service, awards, work experience, and/or story of overcoming hardship from applying?

It’s up the parent/student to do their homework ahead of time and plan their multi-prong strategy. This information is widely available for years on the Internet. Learn from history or you could repeat it.

The University clearly states that a decision might not come back until “late March.” It’s up to each individual person, based on their unique circumstances and goals, to decide if/when to pull the trigger on their Plan B or Plan C.

Again, I know it’s an agonizing wait, but I do not blame the University. They are providing many different opportunities to succeed.


Anyone else still waiting for an admission result? DS applied to Mays in August last year… his Howdy still says under review.


My daughter is in exactly the same spot. Ag Business is her second choice. What are you thinking? I have a daughter that is a sophomore in Mays now. She scored very high on her ACT so got in very early. This waiting is brutal:(

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Daughter applied to Mays as well…crickets. “under review” on Howdy.


Still waiting here. Applied December 1 (interdisciplinary studies/political science). No movement, ever–except, of course, when AIS changed to “complete and in review.” But we realize we waited way late in the game. And based on kid’s numbers, we’re being realistic about chances, and we have essentially moved on (obviously still holding out hope, though).

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It’s very quiet today. Any good news to share?

Soo quiet. It’s eerie.

From my understanding from a reliable source… there are some offers still to go out in every category. But it’s getting fewer and fewer as feb winds down.

I didn’t think there would be any full admit offers still out there, but the cryptic reply I got was that there’s still some out there.

All that to mean… it ain’t over til you get a decision.


Assuming they had today off…would that mean we wouldn’t see anything until Wednesday?

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Still quiet here. But maybe because it’s President’s Day? I don’t know if they are off, but I am! Glad to hear more offers coming. I hope most of us get some answers this week!

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Forgot that it’s President’s Day. That may be why.

@ChristiR93 Good to know about the cryptic reply that there are some offers still to go out. Keeps hope alive. Just got back from Aggieland and they did not have today off.

Visited my 2 Aggies and toured The Gardens and took them to lunch today at The University Club in Rudder Tower. Stayed at the Texas A&M Hotel & Conference Center. What an amazing university and fun weekend!

Waiting patiently and hoping we hear of offers this week!


So in my manage application it says…

Texas A&M. Summer - 2022
App status: under review Level: undergraduate
Major: GEST - general studies Program: BAC - GEST. Location: College Station

Does this mean I got gateway? I originally applied for animal science. I’m a little bit Leary of jumping to the conclusion of gateway because it still says under review, and that is the only thing in my Howdy portal that has changed. Same thing also happened to a friend that goes to school with me.


Definitely Gateway. Congrats!!!


Thank you so much! I have followed all of your comments and you have helped out a lot!

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There’s a gateway thread as well. That way y’all can chat amongst yourselves on all things gateway.

Did it just change today or had you not looked in a while?

I would have to read back through this thread, but someone posted that in 2019(?) 60% of the students were top 10%. Not sure if they have the stats correct or not, but if so, I do not believe this is publicized enough. I have an Aggie, class of ‘22 that was admitted thankfully, under the old Academic Admit criteria.

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@Barrettbrad04 Congrats!!! That is awesome! If you don’t mind sharing your stats… or, even just if were you in the top quarter?