Texas A&M University Class of 2026

I truly didn’t mean for you to take it that way…I am sorry.
I honestly don’t know about ‘test optional’, so I was asking legit questions.
I agree :100: that there’s a huge grey area of miscommunication in the A&M Admissions office. For a school the size of TAMU, this needs to be addressed asap…and sadly, this isn’t the first year there have been many gripes & complaints.
I am hoping you hop on Monday and tell us your son has been offered TEAM or full admit! :crossed_fingers:t3:


You’re spot on.
Between the pat-myself-on-the-back blame games, “I’m an insider” extensive overuse of acronyms, and the constant humble bragging weeks after acceptance (why are they still hanging out on this site?), I fear this thread has lots much of its intended path.
Going elsewhere.


I’ve found this thread to be super helpful! For those who have been sharing advice, please don’t stop!!!


This thread/forum is strictly subjective and I pull my advice from prior years outcomes and what I see personally with students I advise.

I believe more knowledge is always good. And you should listen to your school counselors and regional advisors. Then if you see something posted here that differs, ask the powers that be why that is. As the rest of the decisions come out, we will see what’s what. I’m always happy to be wrong if it means more kids get into Tamu!!! :wink:


I greatly appreciate all of the input and your encouragement along the way, Christi.
I have loved the community and having others to empathize with in this maddening process. Would love if we could all go to coffee and vent, but this is good too!


I love to vent, so where are we meeting and when? lol
I totally get @misterhemmings point. I personally think the majority of the drama on the forums can be prevented if TAMU were more transparent, and also gave us dates to expect results… And I am absolutely sure TAMU knows about all the commotion on the forums- BUT… I don’t want to go down that rabbit hole now. It’s also hard to hear about acceptances when many of us are still waiting. It’s hard to hear that my stats aren’t good enough for a college that claims to have average GPA/SAT below mine, and it’s hard to hear how I should be in the top quarter - because, well, I could go into cheating again but I won’t. Having said all that, I’m also actually really shy and I miss out on lots of insider info that people with “extensive networks of friends” hear about and that’s been hard too. I’ve missed this whole game that HS students have to play now that I didn’t even realize HS students have to play. This whole process is excruciating. And brings on a lot of self doubt. A LOT. I think everyone here wants to see everyone succeed but emotions run high. I’m one of the “very emotional” but I DO think people giving insider advice are doing their best to help. I hope, @misterhemmings, that you don’t leave. We need to see this through. I’m rooting for you guys! I’m rooting for us all! TAMU or not.


I’ve found this thread extremely helpful. My son is still one of those in review. We never went into this process with our hearts 100% set on one school. A&M is extremely competitive. One thing I’ve noticed from this thread is many patents have made this about themselves and not exactly what’s best for their child. I told my son the last thing I want to happen is to set him up for failure. If A&M doesn’t see that he’s a good fit for a incoming freshman. We take that as our sign and have other options that I’m certain are a better fit for him to succeed at.


I’m down for coffee or wine :grimacing:


My dad faxed mine from his office in the spring of ‘90, so I have the original. How things have changed!


@ChristiR93 we are so incredibly appreciative of your time, expertise, and advice. The college application and admissions process is overwhelming and this forum has been extremely helpful. Every year has been so different for each of my 3 kiddos.


Isn’t it crazy how much it can change year to year? Thank you for your kind words.


Everyone ready for a big week!!!


I would like to think so, but I think I’m starting to move on mentally. Not a single word in 6 months.

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I’m so ready for all you to wake me up by blowing g up this thread with big news tomorrow!

Sleep tight!


Hopefully, good things come to those who wait, or… they save the best for last…!!


Have notices come out on Mondays?

I think we’ve typically seen Tuesdays and Fridays but I wouldn’t say only on these days.


This is somewhat off topic but also a glimmer of hope for anyone who doesn’t get in. I now have 2 transfer students who have just heard back from Mays! One heard back last week and the other, this morning.

Mays is one of the hardest to pull a transfer. But it’s doable when you know the path and stick to the plan. Apply early (first week of January). Neither student had 4.0. High 3.7 plus but not perfect. They both are at blinn and they got psa last year but decided on straight transfer.

So if you don’t get what you want, let’s talk. I’m happy to help and my help is always free.


Several things to add

  • Blinn have retake policy so keeping high GPA is possible, not that difficult (for those didn’t get to TAMU as freshmen but having a lot of APs/IBs and DCs in high school…).

  • Students with DCs (with As) that match TCCNS codes don’t have to take the same class again in Blinn.

  • Students need to watch out the number of credits limit (min and max). https://admissions.tamu.edu/getmedia/6bbd1337-a94b-40b5-9bce-1912a02b4ed9/2021-2022-Business-TCS_MA_Final_08302021.pdf

  • The core requirement classes need to be done at the time of transfer application not during the application. (Some successful candidates started in summer to catch up on Spring application for Summer and Fall enrollment)


How can I contact you privately? I’ve been trying to message you directly, but cannot find the “envelope” icon to click.

Thank you.