Texas A&M University Class of 2026

A relative took calculus AB in HS and didn’t pass the MPE after two attempts. He’s taking pre-calc again and then hopes to double up with a combined Calc 1 and 2 class in the spring to stay on track. Otherwise, ETAM will be delayed a semester.

It is 3.75

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@KaYoung2025 not sure where you’re getting you’re stats for Mays and Engineering, but they’re not quite fully accurate.
Are you an incoming student? Parent?

I have twins who have applied to A&M. I was going to Both are auto admit. My son applied in September and is still under engineering review.

My daughter applied last week (application final yesterday as we were waiting on official transcript being sent from the hs) and was accepted today - BIMS.

For anyone who is delaying applying, please get your application in as soon as possible. I know The deadline isn’t for a while, but it took almost 3 weeks to sort out transmission issues with my son’s transcript from their hs. If we had waited until the deadline, it would have been highly likely that the transcript wouldn’t have made it by the records receipt deadline and their applications wouldn’t have been considered.


@Knawee congrats to your twins…double impressive! It never pays to wait to apply. If your twins want to live on campus, pay Housing deposit NOW, if you haven’t already.
Job well done! :clap:t3::clap:t3:

Thank you very much. I was going to post about a week ago. But I was spending so much time calling the hs and admissions to try and get it all sorted. And I kept thinking that every phone call would resolve it. But then it didn’t.

I just wanted to make sure people prepare for the unexpected. Because it certainly hit us the last few weeks. Problems galore!!

Be patient! Deep breaths!! Apply well before the deadline!!!

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3.75 was last year. My older brother is Sophomore, this year in NSC most advisors said for ME is 3.8. Civil is about 3.6. Petroleum is about 3.3.

I believe you are incorrect, ETAM auto admit was 3.5 and the first time it will be 3.75 will be for the class that are currently freshman in the Spring 2022. If you look at the data for the last several ETAMs you will see that several majors filled up with auto admits which became worse during the pandemic because there was so much usage of the Pass/Fail grading that inflated GPAs. Your brother may be referring to what GPA past students needed during the holistic review in order to get into a particular major, but keep in mind here that majors that nearly filled with auto admits would have only a handful of spots left for holistic so those students would likely have very high GPAs. With the Auto Admit threshold increasing to 3.75 and pass/fail grading gone now, I would expect that there will be far less majors filling with auto admits and more spots available then for holistic review which will decrease the GPA needed in order to get into a major holistically.

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My older brother is Sophomore in BME, he doesn’t have official statistics but all of his classmates within BME are 4.0 or having one B (3.91). He knew some ME student got assigned to Civil E and some originally admitted to Civil E changed to ME when they got high GPA. There is no real GPA cut off as the gray area depends on which subject getting “B”. If the social studies elective such as Political Science then a lower GPA (2 Bs 3.81) may be still be ok

TAMU is very serious about Calculus. My brother said first year tests were mostly 2 hours at evening. Back in 2020 when he took MPE virtually, they required him to have two cameras one facing him and another one sideways seeing full body to make sure no cheating even though the test is for evaluation. He said TAMU MPE test was arranged more professionally than College board virtual AP tests.

Younger brother is applying now. AIS says engineering review.

Last year when I applied it took two weeks to change from engineering review to full admission. I am not attending TAMU though, just share some information from my brothers. Like my brother said, the ETAM process is more important than what is granted during admission.

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@KaYoung2025 I beg to differ, but you are incorrect. The 3.75 for ETAM goes into effect with the class that started this fall. The current sophomores are still under 3.5 ETAM.
Each student ranks their particular preference of top 3-5 Engineering choices, so there is no set gpa for certain areas of study, as you listed. One student may want Civil, while another wants Aerospace, and everything in between. I would not say Biomedical is the most popular/sought after either; most say Comp Sci or AeroSpace are.
All students entering A&M enter as General Engineering, regardless of what the listed on their TAMU application.
And all students take the MPE, tho Engineering is a different version.

Your numbers for Mays are way off, also. Mays has been capped at 1,000 freshman admission until this past year. I believe 1,100 were admitted, and slightly more for this incoming class. Not sure where you’re getting 1,700-1,800? Doubt that’ll ever happen…sure hope not.
I personally would love to see the admissions lowered to 8%, but that would take a vote before the state legislature, and since A&M still has plenty of land/space, don’t think that will happen unfortunately. University of Texas is landlocked.


Hey do you know anything about BA in Computing? It falls under engineering but doesn’t require ETaM… that’s the only major I have found like that.

Interesting! In the “applied, admitted, enrolled” table they report that from 2016-2020 A&M admitted ALL applicants who were in the top 10%, even if you search by individual schools (architecture, engineering, business).

This is all I know. I have seen some kids major in it; not necessarily those that didn’t get Comp Sci, more those that are computer savvy but also have other interests. Doesn’t seem to have as much coding required? Pretty interesting major.


Okay good. So we read it the same. I too find it a great major for computer interested people. Very versatile and not as strenous as engineering.

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Very interesting. I wonder if this would be a good option for my son if he doesn’t get into Viz. Major in computing with a minor in video game design. I’m starting to get nervous about the rigor of ETAM and computer science. It’s nice to have a lot of options to think about.


It would definitely be something to ask about!
I’m not a good one to ask-I have a Mays student, all I know is from Engineering friends of my student. CompSci is super tough, I do know that.
Viz normally fills within days, super competitive, so it could easily be full by now. And they keep making the transfer process into Viz smaller & harder, so I wouldn’t bank on that.
I would definitely research the BA Computing…I think it has some real possibilities!

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Yes, driver1, the reason is that in Texas we have a Top 10% state policy that those students are automatically admitted to state schools.

Top 10% Enrolled 688 (59% Yield)
Non Top 10% Enrolled 397 (52% Yield)

With 63% of the class hailing from the top 10%, if Mays goes by the UT-Austin measure of 75% of a class filling up with the top X%, there’s not a need to further restrict Mays’ admission to top 8%.

Why do you think that the non-top 10% have a bit lower yield than the top 10%? I’d have guess those figures would be reversed. Top 10% would have more options and be a bit tougher to yield. Maybe it’s somewhat ethnicity driven with more outside the top 10% coming from suburban HSs and drawing higher percentage of Asian which yields lower.

@tristatecoog i have absolutely no idea. None. I just wish TAMU would go to Top 7 or 8% overall and lower acceptance number to like 10k (not going to happen, I know…). It’s just TOO BIG. So many avenues to get in (the various pathways & acronyms are mind boggling). Bigger is not always better, and currently the infrastructure just can’t keep up.
Sigh…no one asked me :sweat_smile:


Yes. But that table says that students who were in the top 10% had an admit rate of 100% to the business and engineering schools, “first come, first served”(Mays) and “engineering review” notwithstanding.

UT also has an auto admit rule, but does not have a 100% admit rate for auto-admitted students into engineering, business, computer science…

Of course, past performance is not a guarantee of future results.