Texas Interdisciplinary Plan (TIP)

<p>I just received a letter in the mail today inviting me to apply to become a TIP scholar. It came with a brochure and I've read up on it on their website, but I'm not quite sure about it. Yes, I'll probably apply anyway, but I would like to know if anyone else has received this letter and/or has any thoughts/opinions/firsthand experience?</p>

<p>We had a friend of a friend show us around a few parts of UT and her dorm, etc. She was a freshman and she was in TIP and she loved it. She said it really let her register for classes that she would not have been able to get into otherwise; spots in the classes were held open for the TIP people. And because it is a smaller program within the big UT, it also gave let her get to know the other people in TIP. It sounds like there is no down side to this - go for it.</p>

<p>Can someone do the TIP Program in unison with an honors program like Liberal Arts Honors or Plan II honors? I don't really understand what the program is? Is it a completely separate program in itself with degree requirements like Plan II, or is it just a series of benefits to help good students?</p>

<p>TIP does not have degree requirements like Plan II does.</p>

<p>It sounds like a good program. From my understanding, you can keep your major, and you're not required to take anything different. The point of TIP scholars is to narrow down your classes to make them smaller, so you get a more intimate education... I went to open house a couple of months ago and the student I spoke to made it sound like it was totally worth-while. I'd go ahead and apply; the deadline is today.</p>

<p>Has anyone gotten a TIP offer for the 2009-2010 school year yet? Anyone on this forum participate in TIP during the current 2008-2009 school year?
[TIP</a> Scholars](<a href=“Texas Interdisciplinary Plan (TIP) Scholars | TIP Scholars”>Texas Interdisciplinary Plan (TIP) Scholars | TIP Scholars)</p>

<p>can you be both a TIP scholar and in a Honors Program??</p>

<p>i heard somewhere that you can only be in either of the two, cannot do both???</p>

<p>any input??</p>

<p>I’m in the process of being accepted into this. It sounds nice if they’re offering free tutoring and a ‘‘small’’ feel to the classes. I know that can’t be bad.</p>

<p>One thing I did read in my googling of TIP is that this is meant for students who at a high risk for failure at UT. What the heck!? </p>

<p>Is that true? If so, well that makes me feel horrible. I made the top 10% of my class out of a 630 student body and I took AP classes all the way through with an A average. </p>


<p>I don’t mean to sound arrogant by ANY means! I’m just curious to know - why?</p>

<p>its pretty cool that UT has alot of special programs</p>

<p>lol who knew Kinky Friedman was in Plan II [off topic]</p>

<p>Is there a way to join TIP if you’re already a student at UT?</p>

<p>[TIP</a> Scholars](<a href=“Texas Interdisciplinary Plan (TIP) Scholars | TIP Scholars”>Texas Interdisciplinary Plan (TIP) Scholars | TIP Scholars)</p>

<p>It says Apply Now on the lower left-hand side. I’m not sure about the deadlines!</p>

<p>I actually already tried the “Apply Now” link, but it didn’t work.</p>

<p>Sascha, where did you get the info that the program is for people almost failing?? I am interested to apply to the program.</p>

<p>[Powered</a> by Google Docs](<a href=“http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:hQmRpwUG5dIJ:www.sc.edu/fye/resources/fyr/pdf/UTAustin_IDPMentor.pdf+texas+interdisciplinary+plan&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESitG0iNQ20zDQmFZl3GqfyVZSopD8Y8Osbpb6pBmEC5NLGye-iA6ptL3k5RCr5FothOuAUc3E3u8uFFC-TVQNz8MzDWeRrdre3wENptU9Uy55QzpyyCg_vDrMfTkRqC2dalsBp3&sig=AHIEtbQqQAJXY4hsQxQim11DRLoa8tqNJA]Powered”>http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:hQmRpwUG5dIJ:www.sc.edu/fye/resources/fyr/pdf/UTAustin_IDPMentor.pdf+texas+interdisciplinary+plan&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESitG0iNQ20zDQmFZl3GqfyVZSopD8Y8Osbpb6pBmEC5NLGye-iA6ptL3k5RCr5FothOuAUc3E3u8uFFC-TVQNz8MzDWeRrdre3wENptU9Uy55QzpyyCg_vDrMfTkRqC2dalsBp3&sig=AHIEtbQqQAJXY4hsQxQim11DRLoa8tqNJA)</p>

<p>2nd paragraph from the top</p>

<p>I looked at it briefly. I think they are choosing students with great grades (it is a selective program) but due to some “demographic” characteristics (not “personal” characteristics like GPA, test scores, AP scores), the students are statistically at higher risk of failing. Things like being a first generation college student, variables that are statistically correlated with failing. </p>

<p>I think there is no down side to being in TIP Scholars, and there seem to be quite a few advantages.</p>

<p>Thanks for your input MidwestMom. </p>

<p>I’m technically a first generation college student. I think I’ll just keep going along with it!</p>

<p>Hey Sasha,</p>

<p>Yea, I figured the TIP Scholar Program was targeted to people of certain demographic factors, but hey, it sounds like a worthwhile program. I went ahead and accepted their invitation so I hope to see you soon :)</p>

<p>Isn’t TIP mostly directed towards Natural Science majors/Liberal Arts?</p>

<p>I got a letter in the mail and they said that the Texas IP Fellows would suit me better.
Whatever that means!</p>

<p>iambored10 (nice name :wink: ): It’s restricted to only Liberal Arts and Science</p>

<p>BrittanySchray: hmmm, what is it exactly</p>