Textbooks for sale

<p>Hi, was wondering if anybody knew about a site where students post books that they have for sale. I thought there was one, but I can't seem to find it. Only one from 2008. Oh, and do most people buy their books (new or used) or rent. We bought some used and some new this year and would like to sell them to someone who could use them. My DD takes very good care of her books and doesn't mark in them. Reselling a barely used book to any of the online book sellers doesn't yield much.</p>

<p>You can sell them on Amazon even if you didn’t buy them from Amazon. That’s what we usually do. As far as purchasing, S does a combination of rental and used purchases. He only buys new when it’s a new edition and used are not available.</p>

<p>There’s also a Facebook group called “BooksDore” that some Vandy students use to buy/sell within the school. Otherwise, Amazon is the way to go.</p>