Thank you for sample lesson?

S is having a sample lesson this week at McGill and the professor has already told him there is no charge. Should we bring a little ‘something’ to say thank you or will a nice note from S suffice. It’s a little awkward as auditions are the next day, but S can shoot off a quick email afterwards. Thoughts??

My gut feeling is stay away from gifts while acceptances are still up in the air. As for the note, i would wait til AFTER the audition (since it’s the next day) and write a nice thank you telling the teacher specific things you enjoyed in the lesson and thanking him/ her for the opportunity to audition. That way, professor has an opening to (hopefully!) comment on how well the audition went. But don’t fret if you don’t get an email back, lots of schools are very silent until decisions come out, even when they are positive.

If the professor told us no charge we just did the lesson and then when we got back home my D sent a thank you note either by email or handwritten depending on lesson and school. No extra gifts - trust me they will tell you if they charge.